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Bipolar Symptoms in Teens: Early Signs and Diagnosis

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Información en español

青少年经历情绪起伏和做一些看起来不理智的事情是很常见的. As a parent, 想知道如何大发娱乐和支持你的孩子度过青少年时期是令人沮丧的. But sometimes, 一个青少年的行为如此不稳定,让你想知道:这只是典型的青少年行为吗? Or could the behavior resemble bipolar symptoms in teens?

The Difference Between Teen Mood Swings and Bipolar Disorder

Parents often say a teen's mood changes from minute to minute. But mood changes are normal in adolescents. 他们仍在寻找有效的方法来管理自己的情绪 Kristin Francis, MD, child and adolescent psychiatrist at Huntsman Mental Health Institute. "Adolescents can have intense mood shifts and responses. 所以,父母很难区分这是典型的青少年行为还是更严重的事情."

区分两者的最好方法是确定你的孩子的情绪变化是否是对某一特定事物的反应, definable situation, says Francis. For example, it's common for teens to:

  • 在被要求做家务、放下手机或停止玩电子游戏后表现得易怒.
  • Express anger during a conflict with parents about grades.
  • 和朋友或重要的人吵架后,看起来情绪低落,躲回房间.

"Bipolar mood changes don't usually have a trigger, 哪一点不同于你在学校看到的孩子因压力而产生的情绪变化, rules at home, or from conflicts with parents," Francis says. 她讨论了青少年的双相情感障碍症状,以及如果你担心你的孩子该怎么做.

What Is Bipolar Disorder?

双相情感障碍(BD)是一种以情绪和精力的剧烈起伏为特征的精神健康状况. 患有这种疾病的人也可能表现出不寻常的想法和行为. 虽然医疗保健大发娱乐提供者不知道确切的原因,但风险因素包括:

  • 有近亲患有双相情感障碍或其他情绪障碍.
  • Experiencing stressful life events and trauma.
  • Having differences in brain structure and function.

What Are the Symptoms of Bipolar Disorder in Teens?

患有双相情感障碍的青少年经历极端的高潮(躁狂发作)和低谷(抑郁),有时两者同时发生. 他们的症状可能会持续几天或几周,然后突然出现. "As the illness progresses, teens can also experience psychosis," Francis says.

有精神病症状的人很难区分什么是真实的,什么是虚假的. Signs of psychosis include:

  • Hallucinations——听到不存在的声音是最常见的幻觉,弗朗西斯说. Seeing things that aren't there is rarer.
  • Delusions精神病患者可能有强烈的、非理性的信念,他们无法被说服. These thoughts aren't consistent with facts. 例如,他们可能相信自己有超能力,或者是特殊的或被选中的. They may also experience paranoia (unfounded distrust of others).

弗朗西斯说:“患有双相情感障碍的青少年的父母会报告说,‘我的孩子一直没有睡觉. They're talking about how they found a solution for free energy. And, they're rearranging the furniture in their room all night. 他们不明白他们必须去上学或遵守家里的期望.'"

Early Warning Signs of Bipolar Disorder

青少年双相情感障碍的早期危险信号是睡眠明显减少. “不只是青少年整夜不睡,整天睡觉,”弗朗西斯说. “患有双相情感障碍的青少年大部分时间都在熬夜,然后正常地过一天. It can also be someone who has always been a poor sleeper. 睡眠时间过少,加上情绪强度增加和目标导向的活动,是我寻找这种疾病早期迹象的一些事情."

Other classic symptoms of bipolar disorder include:

  • Depression—Periods of depression 通常在青春期早期出现,在躁狂发作前出现.
  • Changes in conversation患有双相情感障碍的青少年在躁狂发作时可能会说话很快,并且很快地从一个话题切换到另一个话题. 他们不容易被打断,但他们可能会突然失去思路.
  • Increased energy-对一个新项目的突然过度关注可能是躁狂发作的迹象. 例如,你的孩子可能会痴迷于一个艺术或科学项目,清洁或重组.
  • Impulsiveness—People in a manic state take action without thinking it through. 他们从事危险的行为,可能没有考虑到他们的身体限制. 例如,他们可能会在寒冷的夜晚不穿外套就走出家门. 他们可能还会觉得自己精力充沛,不需要吃喝.
  • Hypersexuality患有双相情感障碍的青少年可能会开始穿得更挑逗性, become more flirtatious, and seek sexual partners.
  • Irritability-愤怒和攻击性增加可能是双相情感障碍的症状.

Bipolar Diagnosis

你可以在任何年龄患上双相障碍,但在20多岁的时候更常见. Research indicates one-percent of kids ages 14 to 18 also meet the criteria. 然而,精神科医生对青少年的诊断持谨慎态度,原因有二:

First, doctors have to rule out other mental health conditions. “大发娱乐总是告诉父母,随着时间的推移,躁郁症的诊断会出现,因为孩子们正在发育. 他们的症状不像成年人那样严重和明显,”弗朗西斯说. “早期症状可能令人困惑,因为它们可能与许多不同的诊断重叠."

Second, mood stabilizers such as lithium are the primary treatment. According to Francis, 这些药物会影响青少年的生长和体重,并影响甲状腺和肾脏. Additionally, 经常使用抗精神病药物,会增加青少年患糖尿病的风险, and cause weight gain and long-term neurologic side effects.


Next Steps

If you're worried that your child has BD or another mental illness, see a child and adolescent psychiatrist, Francis says. Psychiatrists have completed medical school, and those who specialize in kids have additional years of training. “他们是医生,可以做出双相障碍诊断,开出药物,并把你推荐给治疗师."

Your teen may need inpatient hospital services if they have psychosis or you're not able to keep them safe. 医院是一个安全的环境,有专业人士24小时监控,他们可以评估你孩子的症状.

青少年有一些情绪爆发和喜怒无常是很正常的. 但如果它影响了你孩子的日常活动能力, it could be a mental health problem. 唯一知道的方法是寻求专业大发娱乐,以获得你和你的家人需要的支持.