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Talking with Kids about Cancer

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How to Talk to Kids about Cancer

If you’re a parent 和 you’ve been diagnosed with cancer, you may worry how to tell your children. These tips will help guide you in talking with your kids about your diagnosis 和 treatment.

Stylized illustration of a fox parent 和 child

为什么 Kids Need to Know

Children are quick to pick up on stress in the family. Many times, their imagined fears are worse than what is really happening. Studies show that children need accurate information that is right for their age when a parent or loved one has cancer.

Kids Need to Know

Talk to your child as soon as you feel comfortable. Children often feel hurt if they learn about a loved one’s illness from someone else.

Stylized illustration of a wolf parent 和 child holding paws

什么 Kids Need to Know

Children 和 teens need to know when someone in the family has cancer. Your child will want to know where the cancer is in the body. It’s important to use the word "cancer," because it is different from other illnesses.

  • Make sure your child knows they did not cause the disease.
  • Explain that you cannot "catch" cancer.
  • Let your child know that many people survive cancer.

Kids can learn 和 grow from a loved one’s illness. This challenge may help everyone in your family be more sensitive 和 kind. Getting through this stressful time can also bring a feeling of pride 和 self-worth for kids 和 grown-ups.

Stylized illustration of a bear parent 和 child

Ways to Help Kids Cope when a Loved One Has Cancer

Here are some ways to help kids cope when a parent or loved one has cancer.

Talk to them

  • Encourage your kids to ask questions without pushing them to talk.
  • Find out what your child knows about cancer to help address any misconceptions or ideas. You may be surprised!
  • Ask questions that need more than yes-or-no answers. Here are some examples:
    • 什么 is the most confusing part of Mom’s cancer?
    • 什么 do your friends say to you about my cancer?
  • Encourage your child to express thoughts 和 feelings.
  • Share your own thoughts 和 feelings with your child.

Give them helpful information

  • Let your kids know what to expect along the way. This will help them prepare for changes 和 possible side effects.
  • Help your children name grown-ups they can go to for support or to talk.
  • Make sure your children know who will take care of them if you need to be hospitalized.
  • Avoid making promises you’re not sure you can keep.
  • Don’t worry your kids with details they can’t do anything about, such as money problems.

Manage their time

  • Make simple changes to help focus on each other:
    • Sit down to meals together.
    • Limit visitors.
    • Turn off phones.
  • 当 the person with cancer isn’t feeling well, plan play dates or fun activities with others.
  • Do your best to keep a regular structure 和 routine.
  • Give your child options about ways to help around the house.
Stylized illustration of a rabbit parent 和 child

这是一个 collection of books that may be found at our Cancer Learning Center, your local library, bookstores, or online. The books are divided by age into two lists: books on supporting children 和 families coping with the diagnosis 和 treatment of cancer 和 books to support children 和 families coping with grief 和 death.

Social workers child life specialists at Huntsman Cancer Institute are great resources for information 和 talking to your children about cancer. You can contact the social work team at 801-213-5699 和 child life specialists at 801-213-4292 or 阿比.lofgren@hci.犹他州.edu.

Cancer touches all of us.