



亨茨曼癌症研究所 research highlights shine the spotlight on new discoveries 和 cutting-edge cancer research. 这个月, researchers reduce the risk of infections after pancreatic surgery 和 discover the best cost-effective treatment combination for 前列腺癌 病人. 也, learn which 肺癌 病人 have the most emergency room visits, what genetic mutation may increase the likelihood of anemia after chemotherapy, the new non-invasive way to remove a brain tumor.

New antibiotic leads to fewer infections after pancreatic surgery

Almost 33% of pancreatic cancer 病人 get an infection after having pancreatic surgery, particularly after a Whipple operation, a procedure to remove tumors from the head of the pancreas. When 病人 used a new antibiotic, investigators 发现 their infection rates were cut in half. 的 结果 发表在杂志上吗 《大发娱乐》网络. Courtney Scaife, MD, surgeon 和 gastrointestinal disease center leader at 亨茨曼癌症研究所, served as the principal investigator for the clinical trial. 的 研究 ended early because the 结果 were significant 和 physicians immediately switched to the new antibiotic to more effectively treat 病人.

Which 前列腺癌 treatment is the best financial option?

研究ers from 亨茨曼癌症研究所 和 the 犹他大学 (the U) pharmacy department teamed up to find the best, most affordable combination of treatment for those with metastatic hormone-sensitive 前列腺癌. Manish Kohli,医学博士, physician-scientist at 亨茨曼癌症研究所, the team looked at seven different combinations of medications approved for clinical use. 的y evaluated the records of previous clinical trials, 超过7,200名患者, to find the treatment that was the most affordable, 保证了最好的生活质量, did not compromise any st和ard of care. 的 结果 都发表在 Journal of the National Cancer Institute. 研究ers 发现 that a drug regimen of abiraterone acetate plus prednisone (AAP) was best for advanced 前列腺癌 和 they hope that it will become the new st和ard treatment.

Lung cancer 病人 who get immunotherapy have more emergency department visits

A 新的研究 发现 肺癌 病人 who are receiving immunotherapies take more trips to inpatient 和 emergency departments. 的 结果 曾在 临床肿瘤学杂志. Djin Tay,注册会计师,博士, researcher at 亨茨曼癌症研究所, led efforts to underst和 factors that increase this risk. 社会, 医疗保健, demographic information allowed researchers, 临床医生, 病人, caregivers to better underst和 who may be at greater risk for these visits 和 hospitalizations. 的 研究 gives the team a starting point on improving supportive care for 肺癌 病人 receiving immunotherapies.

New discovery provides hope for cancer 病人 with anemia

最近, a team of physicians 和 scientists from 亨茨曼癌症研究所, 山间医院, 奥雅纳实验室, Intermountain Primary Children's Hospital investigate the genetics of a patient with aplastic anemia. 贫血是一种常见的 副作用 许多化疗疗法. When someone has aplastic anemia, their immune system attacks healthy hematopoietic cells. 在调查过程中, a genome-wide event was discovered that allowed healthy cells to go undetected. 的 研究 发表于 英国血液学杂志. 亨茨曼癌症研究所 researchers include Srinivas Tantravahi, MBBS, 卢克·梅斯,请说, 珍妮·瓦格,CGC, 安东尼·波米特,硕士,由他领着 查尔斯·帕克,医学博士.

研究ers working on new, non-invasive way 治疗 脑部肿瘤

With National Cancer Institute 和 American Cancer Society grants, researchers at 亨茨曼癌症研究所 和 the U are currently using focused ultrasound, 而不是手术, 治疗 脑部肿瘤. Henrik odsamen, PhD, MS, investigator at 亨茨曼癌症研究所 和 assistant professor in the department of radiology 和 imaging sciences 在 U, says they are using micrometer-sized gas filled bubbles with a non-invasive focus ultrasound beam. 的 beam shakes the bubbles until they explode 和 the mechanical forces destroy the tumor. 研究ers hope this new way to destroy 脑部肿瘤 can reduce the number of surgeries.


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关于亨斯迈癌症研究所 在 犹他大学

亨茨曼癌症研究所犹他大学 is the National Cancer Institute-designated Comprehensive Cancer Center for Utah, 爱达荷州, 蒙大拿, 内华达, 和怀俄明州. With a legacy of innovative cancer research, 突破性的发现, 世界一流的病人护理, we are transforming the way cancer is understood, 预防, 诊断, 治疗, 并存活下来. 亨茨曼癌症研究所 focuses on delivering the most advanced cancer healing 和 prevention through scientific breakthroughs 和 cutting-edge technology to advance cancer treatments of the future beyond the st和ard of care today. 大发娱乐有超过 300项公开临床试验250个研究小组 研究癌症. More genes for inherited cancers have been discovered at 亨茨曼癌症研究所 than at any other cancer center. Our scientists are world-renowned for underst和ing how cancer begins 和 using that knowledge to develop innovative approaches 治疗 each patient’s unique disease. 亨茨曼癌症研究所 was 发现ed by Jon M. 和卡伦·亨茨曼.

