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Breast Implants & Breast Surgery

Procedure Cost

Saline Implants


Silicone Implants


*此价格为预估价格,不包括额外的程序或处方. Please consult with our office to learn your actual cost.

Breast augmentation, also known as augmentation mammoplasty, is a plastic surgery procedure to increase your breast size. 在手术过程中,你的外科医生会在你的乳房组织或肌肉后面放置一个乳房植入物. 

无论你是想增强你的自然特征,还是对丰满感不满意, shape, or symmetry of your breasts, breast augmentation could help improve your self-image and confidence. 

大发娱乐在犹他大学健康中心的整形外科医生专门从事隆胸手术,他们经过认证,并经过严格的临床训练,以确保安全, tasteful result and quality care. As a part of a large university hospital, 大发娱乐可以利用各种各样的资源以及设备和培训来应对紧急情况, if one arises.

Types of Breast Implants

Your surgeon will help you choose the best implant, size, and positioning to achieve the look you want.

Breast Implant Shapes & Textures

We currently use breast implants that are smooth, not textured. 光滑的植入物呈圆形,可以在乳房植入物口袋内移动. This means they can maintain a softer feel and move more naturally.

Implant Positioning

Your surgeon will offer various options for breast implant positioning. The options may include:

  • Subglandular breast implants — These go over your pectoral muscle and behind your glandular tissue.
  • Submuscular breast implants — 它们在你的胸肌(全部或部分)和腺组织后面.

Saline vs. Silicone Implants

We offer two types of breast implants: saline and silicone.

生理盐水和硅胶乳房植入物都有一个由硅橡胶制成的外壳. The main difference between them is the filling. If you choose saline implants, 你的外科医生把它们放在空的地方,然后用无菌盐水或盐水溶液填充它们. 硅胶植入物预先填充了硅胶,与生理盐水植入物相比,硅胶更厚,感觉更像天然乳房组织.

美国食品和药物管理局(FDA)已经批准18岁及以上女性使用生理盐水隆胸,22岁及以上女性使用硅胶隆胸. However, both of these implant types are available to women of any age for breast reconstruction.

How Much Are Breast Implants?

 What Our Breast Augmentation Cost Covers

  • Pre-op and follow-up visits for 90 days post-surgery
  • Hospital or surgical facility fee
  • Anesthesia
  • Implants, other surgical supplies, and post-surgical garment
  • Surgeon/provider fee

如果您不打算通过您的保险,咨询将是免费的. However, 如果你打算通过保险,你将受到你的保险公司的免赔额或共同支付.

Insurance Coverage

In most cases, insurance does not cover breast augmentation surgery. However, your insurance may cover post-surgery prescriptions. 

Cases where insurance may cover breast augmentation surgery include:

  • removing or replacing an implant with a capsular contracture that causes pain or
  • breast reconstruction due to loss.

We offer many payment and financing options to help make surgery affordable for you.

What to Expect at Your Consultation


At your first appointment, your plastic surgeon will likely:

  • examine and measure your breasts,
  • take photographs, and
  • have implant samples you can try. (Bring a soft bra and form-fitting T-shirt.) 

We will also discuss with you:

  • how you’d like your breasts to appear and feel,
  • past medical issues and mammograms, if you have any,
  • breast implant types and sizes as well as surgical techniques,
  • likely outcomes, recovery, and potential risks, and
  • a cost estimate.

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How to Prepare for Surgery

大发娱乐和你见面时,大发娱乐会给你具体的指示来准备手术. They may include:

  • 如果你吸烟,手术前不要吸烟(最好是在会诊前).
  • avoiding recreational drugs, if you use them, 在手术前一段时间内服用某些药物,如阿司匹林和某些消炎药.
  • Do not eat or drink anything after midnight prior to your surgery.

Breast Augmentation Surgery

Before Surgery Begins

As we prepare you for surgery, we will:

  • draw guidelines on your skin for incision and implant placement.
  • insert an IV that can deliver fluids, general anesthesia, a sedative, and pain medication to your body.
  • 在皮肤上戴上监测器,监测心率、血压和血氧饱和度.

Types of Breast Augmentation Incisions

Our surgeons usually prefer to make incisions (cuts) in one of two places:

  • along the breast crease (inframammary incision) or
  • around the areola (periareolar incision).

These locations will offer the best control over the implant pocket we create. They are also very well hidden on the breast.

During Breast Augmentation Surgery

Breast augmentation surgery typically lasts one to two hours. To perform your breast augmentation, your surgeon will:

  1. Make an incision. Incision sizes and locations can vary with the implant you choose, your individual body, and preferences that you or your surgeon have.
  2. Create a pocket for your implants. To do this, 大发娱乐会根据您和您的外科医生选择的植入位置仔细分离您的乳房组织.
  3. Insert your breast implants. Silicone implants come pre-filled. Surgeons put saline implants into the breast empty and then fill them with saline.
  4. Ensure a symmetrical look. 你的外科医生会目视检查你的乳房,可能会调整口袋或植入物的位置,以达到你想要的效果. If we use saline implants, we then seal them.
  5. Close your incisions. We usually use dissolvable stitches (sutures), skin adhesive, and/or surgical tape. There will be no stitches to remove.

After Surgery

We will apply bandages and a surgical bra to your breasts. You will rest in a recovery room for one to two hours. When you are ready to go home, you will need someone to drive you. We will prescribe you medications to help manage your pain and prevent infection.

Risks Associated with Breast Augmentation Surgery

大多数患者在隆胸手术中不会出现并发症(问题). However, some of the risks that can occur soon after surgery include:

  • bleeding,
  • infection,
  • fluid build-up (seroma),
  • wound reopening (dehiscence), and
  • changes in nipple and breast sensation.

Some problems that may occur in the future include:

  • breast feeding challenges,
  • mammograms that require additional views,
  • 乳房植入物泄漏或破裂(这会导致生理盐水植入物瘪掉,但硅胶植入物可能不容易注意到*),
  • 在植入物周围形成的疤痕组织,使你的乳房感觉坚硬(包膜挛缩),
  • surgery to address an issue, and
  • sagging breasts over time, which may require breast lift surgery.

*If you notice a change in breast shape or experience breast pain, we will perform a physical exam, ultrasound, 或核磁共振扫描,以确定硅胶植入物的状况和进一步治疗的需要.

What to Expect after Breast Augmentation

How Long Does Pain Last After Breast Augmentation?

隆胸手术后,你可能会有几天剧烈的疼痛和肿胀. It may be a few weeks before all of your swelling and soreness is gone.

In general, 肌肉下方(肌下)的植入物比肌肉上方(腺下)的植入物更容易引起疼痛。. The size of the implant is also a factor.

During breast augmentation recovery, 有些人可以用冰块和非处方药物来控制疼痛和肿胀, whereas others may need stronger medication.

How Long Does It Take for Implants to Drop?

It usually takes around three months for your skin, breast tissue, and muscles to relax, which allows your breast implants to settle. 如果你的组织比手术前更结实,可能需要多花几个月的时间. Additionally, one implant may settle faster or slower than the other.

Recovering from Breast Surgery

为了顺利康复,你必须遵循整形外科医生的术后护理指导. Learn what you can expect as your body heals after your breast surgery procedure.

Learn About the Recovery Process

How Long Do Breast Implants Last?

今天的隆胸手术没有有效期,可以很容易地持续10年或更长时间. 对于一些制造商来说,大发娱乐提供终身保修或让患者使用植入物的情况并不少见. 

However, your breasts may start to look different over time due to: 

  • aging,
  • weight fluctuations,
  • hormones, and
  • gravity.

There is also a chance that your implants could rupture. For these reasons, you may want or need more surgery in the future.

Make an Appointment with Our Plastic Surgeons

Call our office at 801-581-7719 预约一位在隆胸方面很有经验的整形医生.

Breast Implants and the Risk of ALCL


大多数数据表明,患癌风险与表面有纹理的乳房植入物有关,而与表面光滑的乳房植入物无关. 风险很低,到目前为止,在美国只有一小部分使用有纹理植入物的患者被发现患有ALCL. Nevertheless, 出于谨慎,FDA召回了一种特定品牌的纹理植入物.

鉴于最近对发展ALCL的担忧,U of U Health的整形外科部门已经停止使用所有品牌的纹理植入物. 请注意,召回这些植入物并不意味着需要移除植入物. 如果您对召回有任何担忧或疑问,请参阅FDA网站或与您的医生交谈.

For More Information About the FDA's Ongoing Status on Breast Implants and ALCL

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