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Notice of Non-Discrimination

As a recipient of federal financial assistance, University of Utah Health (“U of U Health”) does not exclude, deny benefits to, or otherwise discriminate against any person on the basis of race, 种族, color, 宗教, national origin, 年龄, 残疾, 性, 性ual orientation, 性别, 性别 identity, 性别 expression, genetic information, or protected veterans status in employment, 录取, 治疗, participation in, 访问, or receipt of the services and benefits under any of its programs and activities, 无论是由uu of U Health直接执行还是通过承包商或与uu of U Health安排执行其计划和活动的任何其他实体执行.

Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, as amended, and Sections 503 & 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, reasonable accommodations will be provided to qualified individuals with disabilities.  Reasonable notice to process an accommodation request may be required.  大学政策禁止对参与受保护活动的个人进行报复, such as filing a discrimination complaint, participating in a discrimination investigation process, or requesting a reasonable accommodation for a 残疾.

本声明符合1964年《大发体育官网》第六章的规定, 第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Section 1557 of the 病人 Protection and Affordable Care Act, 以及美国卫生与公众服务部根据《大发娱乐》(CFR)第80部分第45卷颁布的条例, 84, 和91年, and 28 CFR Part 35.

以下个人已被指定为uu Health的第九条/ADA/Section 504协调员和申诉, 问题, or complaints should be directed to:

Sherrie Hayashi, Director, 

Office of Equal Opportunity, Affirmative Action, & 第九条 (OEO / AA)

383 University Street, Level 1 OEO Suite
Salt Lake City, UT 84112

向uu健康部门第九条/504/ADA协调员(或他/她的指定人员)提出投诉并不妨碍申请人, 病人, or his/her companion from filing a complaint with the:

Office for Civil Rights, Region VIII

US Department of Health and Human 服务
1961 Stout St., Rm 08-148
Denver, Colorado 80294
Voice Phone 303-844-2024
FAX 303-844-2025
TDD 303-844-3439

Office for Civil Rights, Denver Office

US Department of Education
塞萨尔E. Chavez Memorial Building
1244 Speer Boulevard, Suite 210
Denver, CO 80204-3582
Phone:  303-844-5695
FAX 303-844-4303
TDD 800-877-8339
电子邮件: 光学字符识别

病人 Discrimination Complaint Procedure

目的 & 范围:

U of U Health致力于为病人和来访者大发娱乐提供和营造一个安全、不受禁止的歧视和骚扰的环境. 大学政策禁止歧视,禁止对参与受保护活动的个人进行报复, 例如提出歧视投诉或参与歧视调查过程.


University [Interim] Policy 1-012, University Non-discrimination Policy, applies to all members of the University community, including faculty, 工作人员, 学生, 病人, 游客, and participants in University programs or activities.

为了大发娱乐提供一致的程序和程序,以便迅速和公平地解决指控1964年民权法案第六章禁止的任何行为的投诉, 第九条 of the Education Amendments of 1972, Section 504 of the Rehabilitation Act of 1973, Title II of the Americans with Disabilities Act of 1990, the Age Discrimination Act of 1975, Section 1557 of the 病人 Protection and Affordable Care Act, 美国卫生与公众服务部根据《大发娱乐》(CFR)第80部分第45卷颁布的法规, 84, 和91年, and 28 CFR Part 35, and other federal regulations implementing these laws, uu的病人提出的歧视投诉将按照下列程序*解决:


Filing A Formal Complaint & Initial Review. 任何个人如果认为自己受到了违反大学政策或上述法律的歧视,可以向eoo /AA提出正式投诉. 正式投诉是及时的,如果它是在180日历天内提出的最后指称的歧视行为. 如正式投诉不及时或未能陈述歧视申索,主管可在初步覆核后或在作出最终决议前的任何时间予以驳回.

  • If a Complaint is dismissed, 投诉人可在收到解雇通知后的五(5)个日历日内向eoo /机管局提交书面请求,要求对解雇进行行政复议. The Director of U of U Health Customer Service, 或被任命者, will review the dismissal and issue a final decision.


OEO/AA Investigation. If a Formal Complaint is not dismissed, the OEO/AA will begin an investigation.

  • The OEO/AA shall interview the Complainant and the Respondent, and may interview any other person with relevant information. The OEO/AA may also review any relevant evidence, including documentary material.
  • 投诉人和被投诉人可各自由一名顾问陪同出席与行政总监/机管局或大学的任何会议或面谈, who may be an attorney. During the investigation, 顾问只能向投诉人或被投诉人大发娱乐提供意见,不得积极参与. 应给予被投诉人充分的机会对投诉书中的指控作出回应. 任何未答复或未参加答辩人或证人面谈的情况都不会妨碍调查的完成. 职事主任/机管局顾问会接受持续及定期的培训,了解如何调查歧视投诉及大学处理投诉的程序.
  • eoo /机管局将尽力在提交投诉后60个日历日内完成调查, with a final resolution within 150 days including the hearing and appeal on the issue. If an extension is necessary due to the complexity of the investigation, the severity or extent of the alleged conduct, school breaks, or other good cause, 投诉人和被投诉人将收到有关调查情况的书面通知.
  • At the conclusion of the investigation, the OEO/AA shall provide the Complainant and the Respondent with the OEO Draft Report.  (“OEO草案”). 双方在收到eoo草案后应有十(10)个日历日的时间向eoo /AA提交书面意见和任何附加文件. 如果来自任何一方的资料引起新的问题或指控,eoo /机管局可重新调查.
  • At the conclusion of the OEO/AA’s further investigation, 如果有任何, or at the conclusion of the 10-day period described in the paragraph above, the OEO/AA shall issue a final investigative report (“OEO Report”).  The OEO/AA shall provide a copy of the OEO Report to the Complainant and the Respondent, and the appropriate administrator.
  • In cases involving Sexual Misconduct, 就业机会主任/机管局会大发娱乐提供一份在uhc病人/家属投诉中所述的就业机会主任报告予申诉委员会 & Complaint Guideline.
    • In reaching its determination, 申诉委员会应遵循[暂行]规则1-012B(III)(K)所规定的程序。
    • Final Decision. The Grievance Committee, 或被任命者, 是否会在收到上诉通知后的三十(30)个日历日内就案件作出书面决定. The decision of the Grievance Committee (或被任命者) is final.
    • To protect the confidentiality of witnesses and all parties involved, and pursuant to FERPA and other state and federal privacy laws, 向投诉人和被投诉人大发娱乐提供的《大发娱乐》副本中的姓名和其他个人身份信息可能会被删除.
  • In cases not involving 性ual misconduct, following the issuance of the OEO Report, 投诉人及/或被投诉人可向uhc患者/家属申诉中所述的申诉委员会提出行政上诉 & 投诉指引:在收到eoo报告后的五(5)个日历日内,向eoo /机管局提交书面要求.
    • Final Decision. The Grievance Committee, 或被任命者, 是否会在收到上诉通知后的三十(30)个日历日内就上诉作出书面决定. The decision of the Grievance Committee (或被任命者) is final.
    • To protect the confidentiality of witnesses and all parties involved, and pursuant to FERPA and other state and federal privacy laws, 向投诉人和被投诉人大发娱乐提供的《大发娱乐》副本中的姓名和其他个人身份信息可能会被删除.

* Although University [Interim] Rule 1-012, Discrimination Complaint Rule, 将犹他大学卫生保健大发娱乐提供者/设施的病人提出的歧视指控排除在其范围之外, U of U Health指定了规则1-012及其补充规则和程序的部分内容, including definitions, as applicable to 病人 complaints of discrimination.