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Dr. 马里亚纳 Baserga is a neonatologist and takes care of some of the most vulnerable people on earth—premature babies. 她和医生谈话。. 汤姆米勒 about just what her job entails and how she takes care of her tiny patients. 有很多原因导致早产的婴儿最终被送往医院. Baserga照顾. She discusses some of the ailments she commonly sees and how her team works together to make those babies as strong and healthy as possible while remaining family-friendly.


Dr. 米勒: 新生儿专家是做什么的? 大发娱乐接下来将在Scope Radio讨论这个问题. 我是博士. 汤姆米勒.

播音员: Access to our experts with in-depth information about the biggest health issues facing you today. 专家与博士. 汤姆米勒在范围报道.

Dr. 米勒: 大家好,今天我和玛丽安娜·巴瑟加在一起. 她是一名医生, 儿科医生, and she's also a professor of Pediatrics at the University of Utah. 马里亚纳, if you were at a party and somebody asked you what you did and you told you were a neonatologist, 你会怎么跟他们说? 新生儿专家是做什么的?

Dr. Baserga: Neonatologist is a specialist that will take care of newborn babies that do not . . .

Dr. 米勒: 新生儿.

Dr. Baserga: 新生婴儿.

Dr. Baserga: 小家伙.

Dr. 米勒: 小的.

Dr. Baserga: The tiny ones or the not-so-tiny ones that can run into trouble after delivery. So most of the babies that come to the ward don't have a problem transitioning from mom's womb to alive, 但是当他们这样做的时候, 这就是大发娱乐要帮忙的地方.

Dr. 米勒: 所以大多数时候,健康的婴儿,健康的出生. But, occasionally, a woman might have an issue with a new baby, and that's where you step in.

Dr. Baserga: 正确的. There are about half a million deliveries that are pre-term in this country, and that's by definition of a baby born less than 37 weeks or less than 5 pounds. And those babies are the ones that a neonatologist will be taking care of in the NICU.

Dr. 米勒: So if they're less than 5 pounds or less than 37 weeks at gestation, that doesn't necessarily mean that they need to go a neonatology unit, 但你会评估他们. That would be part of a routine examination that you would perform on this type of a newborn.

Dr. Baserga: 正确的. 早产的婴儿可能需要大发娱乐呼吸, may need help with giving them sugar because they can't feed well. 他们的感染感会增加. 在这些情况下, they cannot be in the regular well-baby nursery and they have to be in the neonatal intensive care unit.

Dr. 米勒: So the great thing about this specialty is that you're available in there in case you're needed. So it's almost like every baby that is born could be seen by a neonatologist and evaluated. And then what percent of the time might they end up going to a unit that cares for these little tiny babies?

Dr. Baserga: So premature babies less than 34 weeks gestation all will come to our neonatal intensive care unit. 还有一个中间地带, 那些怀孕34到37周的婴儿, 大发娱乐称之为“晚期早产儿”,“这两种情况都有可能发生. 这要看宝宝的表现. So I would say half of those babies may need to be in the intensive care. And depending on the hospital, they can be in a specialized well-baby nursery.

Dr. 米勒: 所以你认为大多数准妈妈, 即将分娩的母亲, know that a neonatologist might be involved in the care of their child if needed? 你觉得他们知道你的专长吗?

Dr. Baserga: 我想说一半左右, 尤其是在美国, most people are aware of the possible need that the baby will need help after being born. 但大发娱乐还在犹他州, 例如, 我见过很多在家里接生的人, 一切都很顺利. So the times where we may need to transport babies into the NICU are when those deliveries don't go well.

Dr. 米勒: 这些婴儿通常在病房里待多久?

Dr. Baserga: 他们可以花一天到一年的时间. 这取决于他们病得有多严重. 怀孕23或24周出生的婴儿. . .

Dr. 米勒: 这些都是非常小的婴儿.

Dr. Baserga: 这些婴儿大约有一磅或半公斤重. And those babies may stay with us three, four month sometimes.

Dr. 米勒: 但通常你会怎么想, maybe several days for most babies that are not in that weight range?

Dr. Baserga: 是的. The NICU has one of the longest stays in the hospital because babies need help for a longer period of time because they have to mature, 他们必须学会吃饭. 所以大发娱乐告诉家人, when they're getting ready to go home and that's a question they like to ask, is, “我什么时候可以带我的孩子回家??“婴儿必须能够控制自己的体温. 这意味着不需要孤立液.

尤其是当它们大约3磅重的时候, 在那之前没有, 很少能看到婴儿出了隔离室. They have to be able to be taking all feedings by mouth without any tubes to help them gain weight. And they have to be breathing on their own without having what we call "prematurity apnea". 在这些情况下,当婴儿仍然有呼吸暂停. . .

Dr. 米勒: 呼吸暂停是. . .

Dr. Baserga: 呼吸停止.

Dr. 米勒: 停止呼吸.

Dr. Baserga: 他们有点, 大发娱乐说的话, 忘记呼吸是因为他们的大脑还不成熟, 那些孩子需要待在医院里.

Dr. 米勒: So what would be the more common reasons that little babies would end up under your care?

Dr. Baserga: 大多数病例是早产,即早产.

Dr. 米勒: 接下来会发生什么? 无法呼吸是你说过的其中一件事.

Dr. Baserga: 对,继发性是败血症或感染. 他们需要进重症监护室. And then we have a big group of babies that are born with congenital malformations, and will. . .

Dr. 米勒: 通常是心脏或其他种类?

Dr. Baserga: 有不同的种类. 大发娱乐有心脏畸形. We can have brain malformations, what we call "abdominal wall defects," such as gastroschisis. 这些婴儿都需要在新生儿重症监护室进行重症监护. 在大多数情况下, 大发娱乐知道情况就是这样, and we have what we call "antenatal consultations" with these families. And by the time the baby is born, they know that the baby will need intensive care.

Dr. 米勒: 现在, 另一件事是你有一个完整的专家团队, 包括护士和营养学家. Can you talk a little bit about the team that surrounds the care of the newborn that goes to your unit?

Dr. Baserga: 所以新生儿重症监护室是一个大家庭. We have the neonatologists with the doctors, and then we have specialized nurses. We also have nurse practitioners that are specialized in neonatology. We have respiratory therapists that deal with the airway and ventilators and respirators. We have occupational therapists that are the ones that are dedicated to the development of these babies. 这些婴儿在孤立体中. 它们不怎么移动. 大发娱乐他们的神经发育, 以及开始喂食, 因为它们的进食技能还很不成熟. 所以这是一个能够大发娱乐他们的大团队 . . .

Dr. 米勒: Just like a big village taking care of these little babies, right?

Dr. Baserga: 是的,是这样的.

Dr. 米勒: 对于一个准妈妈或者准妈妈的家庭来说, 他们可能想知道的一件事是 . . . Well, if their baby is in the neonatal intensive care unit, are they able to visit? I think there may be some fears that they won't be able to see the babies or visit the babies.

Dr. Baserga: 所以大发娱乐的重症监护室是以家庭为中心的. 大发娱乐以家庭为中心,全天候营业. 没有探视时间. The summertime, we even allow siblings and little toddlers to come.

Dr. 米勒: 你没有探视时间. 你不 . . .

Dr. Baserga: 探访时间不受限制. So we don't have a policy that limits the time the parents can be at the bedside. Having said that, they're even invited to be present during nurses' sign out. We used to not allow families at that time and now we're an open unit so that they can always be at the bedside. 他们甚至会听到护士们给彼此的报告.

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