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是食物中毒吗? 胃病? 你在新闻上听到的最新的食品污染? 或者只是你吃的东西不适合你? 说到肠胃问题, it can sometimes be hard to figure out how serious it is and what you should do about it. 急诊室医生. Troy Madsen breaks down the signs and symptoms that will easily help you decide if your stomach pain is something to worry about or if it’ll pass.


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苏格兰人: You end up with some stomach pains and it's always hard to know if it's something you ate, 或者如果你像我一样偏执,你会认为是食物中毒, 或E. Coli, or something worse like the latest stomach bug that you read about in the news. 我要找的是崩溃, an easy to remember symptoms that can help the average person decide if it's something to worry about or if it will pass. 我和Dr. 大发娱乐急诊医学的Troy Madsen说. 伙计,我的胃怎么了? 你在急诊室看到胃病有多常见?

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 非常常见的. It's a very large number and I expect when I work a shift in the ER I'm going to see at least a handful of people that are there because they're having some abdominal pain.

苏格兰人: How about a breakdown of easy to remember symptoms that can help like the average person like me decide if it's something to worry about, 或者它是否会过去, 或者我可以吃点药.

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 你知道,当人们来到急诊室时,这是他们脑海中的问题. 我真的需要在场吗? And we see a lot of people in the ER who probably just have some kind of a stomach virus. You know the number one thing I would say is if you're really concerned come to the ER. I don't want to tell you not to come because your judgment is certainly better that just, 而不是这个, 这, 这个和这个.

苏格兰人: 有备无患.

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 是的, but there are some rules of thumb that can help you to try and decide is 这 really serious or not. 有一件事是真正的危险信号,如果你在你的车里, let's say someone's driving you somewhere because you're just kind of feeling nauseated, 你要去药房买点东西, and every bump you hit in your car makes your stomach just hurt like crazy that's a bad sign.

苏格兰人: 好吧.

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: Because then I worry whatever's going on in your abdomen if it's your appendix, or your gall bladder has gotten so inflamed and infected that it's actually infected the lining of your abdomen and that's what causes that really severe pain.

苏格兰人: 好吧.

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 这是我来大发娱乐的一个重要原因.

苏格兰人: 所以当你在车里的时候,如果颠簸伤到你...

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 是的.

苏格兰人: ...这是一个警告信号?

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: You're hitting the bump your abdomen just hurts like crazy with every bump come in.

苏格兰人: 好的,还有什么其他的胃部问题和症状吗?

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 其他的事情是想想你的右侧腹部. 如果你的右侧疼痛, 如果你感觉到它在你的右上方那就是你的胆囊, 右下侧是阑尾, and then people who are otherwise healthy those are the two big things I look for. 左侧的腹部并没有太多的变化. 右边这两个是引起问题的主要因素. So if you push in that right side of your abdomen and the right upper side hurts, 右下半身疼, 这是你需要做的事情. 你的胆囊或阑尾可能有感染.

苏格兰人: 所以如果权利不正确就去急诊室.

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 这是记住它的好方法.

苏格兰人: 好了好. So but the left side it's interesting if you have severe pains on the left side what could that be then?

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 它可以是很多东西, 如果是老年人,我会担心结肠感染, 通常55岁及以上的人更多. 叫做憩室炎. 如果它非常低,而且你是女性,我担心卵巢, 可能是卵巢囊肿, 或者那里有扭曲的东西, 但通常卵巢的疼痛会非常剧烈, but if it's just some kind of vague pain over on that left side of your abdomen usually not something to be too concerned about. Again use your judgment to see how you're feeling overall but the right side's the side that really gets me concerned as a doctor.

苏格兰人: 我怎么知道我是不是食物中毒了? 这对我来说一直是个大问题. 是胃不舒服还是食物中毒?

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 大发娱乐唯一能说的是,“嘿,这是食物中毒." Is if there were several people who ate the same thing who were having the same symptoms. 大发娱乐没有真正的测试. 大多数食物中毒病例会在12到24小时内消失. 你可能会觉得很痛苦. 如果你觉得很痛苦,以至于无法补充水分, if you're dehydrated that's a reason to come in to the ER because we'll give you IV fluids, 给你一些恶心的药,让你感觉好点.

苏格兰人: 抽筋,气泡怎么办,就像你的胃感觉硬得像石头一样?

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 是的.

苏格兰人: 这些是主要问题还是仅仅是天然气问题?

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 你知道大多数时候它只是气体. A lot of times it's just some kind of viral infection that's making things feel kind of crumby. You can try some over-the-counter medications see if that helps you out, see if you can wait it out. 如果你有这些严重的症状会很疼, 只是因为呕吐而脱水, 或腹泻, 来急诊室的其他原因, but you know that's a lot of what we see is exactly what you're describing, 你知道,大多数病例可能可以等上一两天.

苏格兰人: 所有 right one more, so if it's food poisoning usually it will pass 12 to 48 hours you said?

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 是的,通常是的.

苏格兰人: 好吧,如果是更危险的事呢,E. 杆菌, is there any sort of difference in the symptoms between the or maybe the latest bug that you hear about in the news that's going around?

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 是的 you know those are things that sometimes something will come out in the news people will get really concerned, 但E. 大肠杆菌是一种非常严重的东西. It's not a lot that we see it but the big thing that we see with it is that often times bloody diarrhea that's kind of the classic thing we see with the most severe cases of 杆菌.

苏格兰人: With stomach issues what should one do to kind of take care of an issue themselves if they believe it's not a major issue, 如果它在左边, 可能是气体, 你有什么建议吗??

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 再试试一些非处方药, 也许来点胃药, 这样可以缓解一些症状, 有些抽筋, 多喝水, 不要强迫自己进食, you know don't make it so you're just drinking so much fluid that you're vomiting it up, 我见过一些人这么做, 尽量多喝水. And again if things are just getting to a point where it is very dehydrated, 你只是觉得非常痛苦,尽管来急诊室吧. We can make sure nothing more serious is going on and get you the treatment you need.

苏格兰人: 使用抗酸剂和胃药有什么区别?

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: An antacid is going to be more specific just for acid production in your stomach. So let's say you've got a little bit of a stomach virus that's just causing some irritation in the stomach where Pepto Bismol is going to be a little bit better at controlling things like diarrhea, 控制更多的恶心感, 更多关于抽筋的问题, where if it's just acid where you feel like kind of a burning feeling kind of going up in your chest you're probably fine just taking an antacid like Maalox, 或Tums, 或者类似的东西.

苏格兰人: 那气泡呢?

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 气泡, you know for that kind of thing where you're having a lot of gas and cramping Pepto Bismol is going to be better. 抗酸剂通常不会有太大作用.

苏格兰人: 好了,伙计,谢谢你告诉我我的胃怎么了.

Dr. 特洛伊马德森: 这是我的荣幸

播音员: 大发娱乐是你的每日科学,对话,医学. 大发娱乐是犹他大学健康科学广播.