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Dr. 格伦Prestwich, 他拥有27项专利, has founded eight companies and was just made a fellow in the National Academy of Inventors, discusses the University of Utah’s remarkable record in developing technology and creating spinoff companies. One of the secrets is to get students involved early in the entrepreneurial process, so they can test their ideas and learn how the process works from seasoned faculty and inventors.


播音员: Interesting, informative and all in the name of better health. 大发娱乐是Scope健康科学广播.

面试官: 今天,大发娱乐要和Dr. 格伦Prestwich. Dr. Prestwich is the Presidential Professor of Medicinal Chemistry at the University of Utah, and is one of three faculty members who were just made a Fellow in the National Academy of Inventors. Today we're going to talk about the culture of impact at the University that has been created here that spurs a lot of start up companies and entrepreneurial ideas from researchers that are helping people worldwide. 告诉大发娱乐什么是影响力文化.

Dr. Prestwich: A culture of impact is a culture in which the research that is done by faculty and students is not done just to publish papers in a scholarly journal or just to win awards. It's really to discover things and bring those discoveries to the marketplace where they can actually make a difference in people's lives.

面试官: 以及这种文化是如何产生或开始的?

Dr. Prestwich: 一度, we realized that what we were doing that was so successful was involving students in the process so that it wasn't really about the entrepreneurial faculty per se, it was about the faculty members who were entrepreneurial. It was about the faculty members being mentors for students entrepreneurs. And over the past 10 years with a donation from Pierre Lassonde to create the Lassonde Entrepreneur Institute, 大发娱乐在哪里进行这次采访, we started seeding and growing the student entrepreneur program.
分别, I had worked with former President of the University, 迈克尔年轻, 发展学院企业家团体. Again, it was the first of its kind in the United States. There were no faculty entrepreneur groups at universities until President Young and I created this entity.

大概做了一半, 两年之后, we realized that the Lassonde Institute with the student entrepreneurs and the faculty entrepreneurs really were an ideal marriage. 教职员工的风险状况相对较低, they had families and grants and students and mortgages. 学生必须要有风险. They take risks so they can figure out what works and what doesn't work for them personally and for them for their careers.

所以有喜欢冒险的人和厌恶风险的人. 你把它们放在一起. 风险厌恶者有更多的专业知识. 他们有更多的白头发, 他们有更多的生活经验, and they are much better suited as mentors for these risk-takers who are the ones with the passions and the feet on the ground that can actually get stuff done.

面试官: So, what the university is doing sounds like it's a very successful formula. 还有多少大学在这么做? 如果不是,为什么不是呢?

Dr. Prestwich: When people ask me the question, "How do we recreate what Utah has done?" My answer is it's not creationism; it's evolution. You start with the bits and pieces that you have at your university that people are comfortable with, 你添加了一些东西, 你重新组装它们, 你尝试一个程序. And don't be surprised if the first thing that you try fails. 这就是进化的作用. 你尝试一些事情,有时你会失败.
早失败,少失败,快失败. 在我心中, 尽管这是口头禅, 这是商业人士的说法, 我甚至没说那是失败. Because if you haven't committed many resources to it, it's not so much a failure as you've tried something and recognized that it didn't work the way you thought it would. And so you're not really failing early and failing cheap, 你在尝试什么, 你在做试播节目, 你是在试水.

面试官: So you have 27 patents, and you've started eight companies.

Dr. Prestwich: 这是正确的.

面试官: 是什么让你这么做的?

Dr. Prestwich: I say this frequently, and it always gets a laugh, but it's true. 我在智力上很乱. 我喜欢自己动手. I like to be involved with things when they're exciting. I get bored pretty easily by running a business, and so that's what I do. I'm the intellectually promiscuous guy that thinks all over the place, and then I have to have somebody who is intellectually monogamous to run the company.
公司必须专注于, and if all you do as a faculty member is focus on one thing, 你不会有下一个好主意. The idea is the next great ideas come from interfaces, from unexpected inspiration from other places.

面试官: 最后还有什么想法吗??

Dr. Prestwich: If you want to translate something from the laboratory to actual use by people in society, there is a process that I call the translational imperative. 它只有六个字. 第一个是拥抱复杂性. 看看这个复杂的情况, look at all the manifestations of what you have to deal with, 调控途径, 制造途径, all the different things that you could do with this technology. 从那里开始,拥抱它.
And then, take the next step, which is engineer versatility. 考虑到复杂性, distill it down to something that's close to what you think you can make, 这可以解决不止一个问题. So, embrace the complexity, engineer versatility, but the last two words are deliver simplicity. 不管产品是什么, 人们必须理解它, 人们必须能够使用它, 它必须有所作为.

播音员: We're your daily dose of Science, conversation and medicine. 这是Scope. 犹他大学健康科学电台.