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Ultrasound for Your Joints and Bones

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Ultrasound for Your Joints and Bones

Dec 20, 2016

当你听到超声波这个词时,你可能首先想到的是婴儿,但这并不是它的全部用途. 在过去的20年里,超声波已经成为运动医学程序的重要组成部分. Dr. Tom Miller talks with Dr. Daniel Cushman, a sports medicine physician at University of Utah Health, 关于超声在骨科中的应用,以及它如何为患者带来更好的治疗.

Episode Transcript

Dr. Miller: Ultrasound guided procedures in orthopedics. We're going to talk about that next on The Scope Radio.

Announcer:大发娱乐的专家大发娱乐提供有关您今天面临的最大健康问题的深入信息. The Specialists with Dr. Tom Miller is on The Scope.

Dr. Miller: I'm here with Dr. 丹尼尔·库什曼,他是一名非手术运动医学医师使用超声引导技术为患者大发娱乐提供治疗. 丹尼尔,你能告诉我超声波是如何进入运动医学的吗? I mean, 我想大多数人都知道超声波是用来检查子宫里的婴儿和诊断其他疾病的, but this is kind of new in sports medicine, kind of interesting and cool.

Dr. Cushman: Definitely.

Dr. Miller: Tell me a little bit about that.

Dr. Cushman: 当我给病人做超声波检查时,我听到的最常见的笑话是,他们说:“那是个男孩吗?“我认为每个人都知道超声波是从婴儿那里来的.

Dr. Miller: You haven't found any head?

Dr. Cushman: No, fortunately not yet.

Dr. Miller: 好吧,他们没让你去检查婴儿可能所在区域的探头.

Dr. Cushman: I had a pregnant woman do that and it's kind of fun actually. 但最初的想法是,你做x光,你得到的是辐射. You do a CT scan, you get radiation. But a lot of the time with ultrasound, 大发娱乐不用辐射也能得到同样多的信息.

大发娱乐现在发现的另一个优点是,你可以让别人在你做的时候动起来. So if you're doing an x-ray, the person is standing still. If you're doing an ultrasound, 你可以让他们移动他们的肩膀,看看是否有什么东西在挤压其他东西或类似的东西. 这就是它的起源特别是在过去的十年里发展了很多.

Dr. Miller: So expand on that a little bit. The great news is that when you use ultrasound, 病人什么时候不接受放射治疗,也没有其他人使用探针, what is ultrasound? Is it a sound wave?

Dr. Cushman: Yeah, good question. That's it exactly, it's a sound wave. I think about it like putting a speaker on your hand. 如果你想这样做,你可以感觉到这些振动这些振动是你用超声波得到的但是它们太小了,你感觉不到. 所以这台机器可以发出声波,然后再把它们收起来. 以此为基础,它可以判断皮肤下的组织是什么样子.

Dr. Miller: 超声波在肌肉骨骼治疗中出现是多久以前的事了?

Dr. Cushman: Yeah, 我想最早是在50年代超声波刚被制造出来的时候最初的想法之一就是你可以用它来做这样的事情, 但它一直没有真正流行起来,直到最近20年左右才真正流行起来.

Dr. Miller: How many doctors now are able to do this?

Dr. Cushman: So it's getting more and more common. There are two areas that it's used probably the most commonly. 风湿病学家经常用它来检查关节, 像我这样的整形外科专家经常用它来做这类事情.

Dr. Miller: Now for this little podcast, 我想谈谈如何使用超声波将药物或治疗方法输送到你感兴趣的部位.

Dr. Cushman: 大发娱乐经常这样做,大发娱乐发现有一些好处. 第一种是大发娱乐在医学院学到的方法,就是拿一根针,根据身体上的标志把针扎进那个地方.

Dr. Miller: That's what I used to do in injecting the shoulders, 我现在不这么做了,因为像你这样的人有超声波探头,而且可能比我做得好得多.

Dr. Cushman: 是的,有很多关于这个的研究,在一些地方,老实说,这并不重要. 比如,你可以用膝盖来做,如果你只通过地标来做,准确率在93%左右. If you do it with the ultrasound, it's closer to 100%. So most of the time, you really don't need to. But in some places like the hip where only about 40% accurate, if we just put a needle down to the hip, while it's 100% accurate with an ultrasound machine.

Dr. Miller: How about shoulders?

Dr. Cushman: Shoulders, so if we're talking about the shoulder joint, 没有它,准确率可能在80%左右. So a lot of the times, 大发娱乐会有医生给病人注射,但他们不能100%确定注射的位置是否正确,病人也没有好转. 所以他们会用超声波进行注射,以确保它在正确的位置,看看是否真的有大发娱乐.

Dr. Miller: How about spine? 我知道有些背部疼痛的人最终通过注射来逃避手术的需要. Do you use ultrasound in delivering injections into the spine?

Dr. Cushman: 所以对于脊椎,这仍然是我所说的实验阶段. 所以有些人会这么做,但大多数情况下,大发娱乐还是依靠x光来做.

Dr. Miller: 所以对于那些可能需要某种注射的人,我想通常, you're injecting medications to reduce pain or inflammation, 他们为什么要找像你这样有能力的人呢?

Dr. Cushman: I find that a lot of the times, 更多的是和他们一起工作的医生把他们送到大发娱乐大发娱乐大发娱乐他们. But a lot of the times, I find that just from my own patients, 当我看到它们时,我经常使用它们来大发娱乐诊断问题. So a good example would be if somebody's shoulder hurt. 有时疼痛来自颈部,而不是肩部. So when we do an injection and it doesn't help, 大发娱乐知道大发娱乐在正确的位置,所以它真的可能来自其他地方.

Dr. Miller: So it helps with diagnoses as well?

Dr. Cushman: Yeah, exactly.

Dr. Miller: So the bottom line is, if you're interested in having one of your joint pains evaluated, you could have this done under ultrasound guidance. 如果需要治疗,可以通过超声引导注射

Dr. Cushman: Definitely.

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