Don’t Let a Helmet Make You Think You’re Invincible

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Don’t Let a Helmet Make You Think You’re Invincible


Helmets are a vital piece of safety equipment for many activities and may save your life. But we may be depending on helmets a little too much. 急诊室医生 Dr. 特洛伊马德森 shares some of his first-hand experiences with helmet safety from the ER. He reminds listeners to still play it smart when it comes to safety, even if you're wearing a helmet.


面试官: Don't let that helmet make you think you're invincible. 大发娱乐将在接下来的《大发体育官网》节目中讨论这个问题.

播音员: This is from The Frontlines with emergency room physician Dr. 特洛伊马德森在范围报道.

面试官: Dr. 特洛伊马德森's an emergency room physician at University of Utah Health and helmets are good. They can definitely protect you from a lot of injuries, but don't let them make you think you're invincible because there's a lot of other injuries helmets can't protect 再一次。st that Dr. Madsen会在急诊室看到的. 大发娱乐来谈谈这个. Whether you're riding a bike or on a four-wheeler what are some of the not helmet related things that you see?

Dr. 马德森: 好吧, 首先, to address the myth with helmets because I've heard someone say this and this was a police officer who came in to the ER after an accident on his motorcycle, 当他还是警察的时候就不会, he wasn't wearing a helmet and people are saying to him, “你为什么不戴头盔?? 你的头在流血?"

面试官: Yeah, like of all people, you would think this guy . . .

Dr. 马德森: 在所有人中,是的. 他说, “嗯, 我没戴头盔的原因,他说, "because I figured the difference between wearing a helmet and not wearing a helmet on a motorcycle was the difference between an open casket funeral and a closed casket funeral" So 首先, 这是一个神话. Helmets are not going to just, 你知道, you're not going to die regardless. Helmets are going to make a huge difference for this guy. 他本来可以避免头部流血的.

面试官: A lot of times it can make the difference between whether you walk out of the ER that day or . . .

Dr. 马德森: 哦,绝对.

面试官: 或者不是那天.

Dr. 马德森: With the helmet on, he would have walked out of the ER. As it was, he was admitted for several days, things turn out 好吧. So that's probably the first thing to address but it is absolutely true that helmets, 另一方面, 不让你无敌吗. People with helmets on can still have severe head injuries. You figure it's just some plastic and some cushion around your head, 一些填充, 你的头部仍然会受到严重的伤害. 你肯定会受重伤. It's not covering your face so we'd absolutely see those things.

面试官: So the important thing is to not think, “嗯, I've got my helmet so I'm 好吧. 所以我可以尝试一些疯狂的东西."

Dr. 马德森: 完全.

面试官: It's really, "I should still be careful and prudent.“还有其他伤病,对吧? 头盔可保护不了你的脖子.

Dr. 马德森: 哦,不. Helmet's not going to do anything at all for your neck and cervical spine injuries, neck injuries are one of the also much more serious things we see along with severe head injuries but a helmet will do absolutely nothing to protect your neck. 如果你倒地而下, you're still going to have that same impact potentially fracturing vertebrae in there, causing spinal cord injury so you're not protected there at all.

面试官: 你还看到了哪些其他的伤害, 你知道, from helmet related activities that helmets don't protect 再一次。st?

Dr. 马德森: 好吧, 它们是矫形伤,那是, 再一次。, probably the most common thing we see in the ER from bicycles, 摩托车, 四轮, 马, 你知道, 所有这些人都戴着头盔. 人们会下来,他们会抓住自己. 他们不会头着地. Maybe that's the secondary impact as their head hits the ground but they'll have a forearm fracture, 脚踝骨折, 膝盖受伤, 韧带损伤.

And then of course, cuts, scrapes, all those sorts of things that happen as well. 除此之外,头盔一点用都没有, 如你所说, 也许他们会让你觉得更无敌, maybe you'd take some risks that makes you more prone to those things.

面试官: And it sounds like what you're saying is you should wear other safety gear other than just the helmet. The helmet has been the thing that's been promoted a lot but like if you're on a motorcycle, 穿别的衣服.

Dr. 马德森: 完全. 是的,我想大多数摩托车手 . . . 我不是摩托车手, but most of them talk to me about wearing their leathers and it seems like that makes a difference. 有些人说他们滑了60英尺, 和他们的自行车分开, 他们会有一些路疹,但除此之外, 好吧. And they said it scraped all the way through the leather but obviously, 如果没有这个, 他们的情况会更糟. So there's definitely other stuff you can wear but definitely don't make that helmet feel like other stuff is not going to happen.

面试官: What's your advice to anybody that's participating in activity where a helmet is required along with maybe some other safety equipment?

Dr. 马德森: 我的意思是, my advice and it's maybe wear the helmet to protect yourself from the bad stuff but also don't take risks you won't take without a helmet. 如果你需要它就在那里. But you don't want to have that helmet then raising your threshold for what you're willing to do simply thinking, “嘿, this helmet is going to protect me if I go at a higher speed or if I take this jump on my bike,“或者别的什么. If you won't do it without a helmet, don't do it with the helmet.

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