Health Care Insider: Creativity Matters in Medicine

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Health Care Insider: Creativity Matters in Medicine


发散思维和接受失败是学习过程的重要组成部分,这是医学创新的一部分, 据医生说. 布朗大学医学人文与伦理学专业主任杰伊·巴鲁克说. 他和 Dr. 格雷琴的情况 about how doctors can tap into their own creative senses, 为什么这么做如此重要, and how physicians can use creativity to engage better with patients.


格雷琴: 创造力在医学中很重要. 接下来的《大发娱乐》节目将为您揭晓原因.

播音员: 这些是发生在医疗保健内部的对话,它们将改变医疗保健. The Health Care Insider is on 范围.

我是医学伦理与人文学部的格雷琴·凯斯, 我正在和杰伊·巴鲁克谈话. Dr. 巴鲁克是布朗大学阿尔珀特医学院急诊医学副教授, 他也是布朗大学医学人文和生物伦理学术中心的主任. What we're going to be talking about today is creativity in medicine. 告诉我为什么创造力在一个大发娱乐通常认为是基于科学的领域很重要, 基于证据. Where does creativity matter in medicine, and why?

Dr. 巴鲁克: 好吧, 首先, I will just say that evidence does matter, 知识很重要, 事实很重要, 大发娱乐需要知道一些事情. 但, 事情的真相, 在照顾病人的过程中,大发娱乐面临着许多不同的问题,这些问题并没有预先包装好简单的解决方案. 有时答案,不像医学教育,答案有时不是A B C或D. 都不是.

所以metimes the biggest challenge is, 就像, trying to learn how to ask the right questions, and to be open to the possibilities of what might be going on, 因为大发娱乐照顾病人, 这些病人也是人, and no two patients are really ever the same. Even if you had two people with chest pain, 两个肚子疼的人, 你的大脑会非常, 很不一样, 这不仅取决于他们的症状,还取决于其他因素, 哪一个, 通常, 是不是和大发娱乐看到的医学资料一样重要,甚至更重要.

格雷琴: 你觉得呢, 特别是, 作为一名急诊室医生,你的工作要求你更多地思考创造力, 并传授更多关于创造力的知识?

Dr. 巴鲁克: 首先,问题变成了,你所说的创造力是什么意思? 这是一件很难分析的事情,因为创造力有无数的定义. Or, maybe not a zillion, but there's a lot. 所以, how I 就像 to look at it is from the perspective of, 就像, how does creativity manifest itself in, 的, 临床实践? 它有很多种运作方式. 这就给了你, 我认为, a little bit more of a handle on what we mean by it, 因为它变得更加个人化.

所以我是如何看待创造力的, 的, 思维发散思维, when a patient comes in with a particular set of complaints or issues, 我认为 openly as much as possible to be . . . 创造可能性, to ask different types of questions before, 有点像筛选, 试着找到答案. 创造力包括尝试在不同的想法之间建立联系. 即使大发娱乐认为, 的, 创新, 通常情况下,大发娱乐并不是在创造新的东西,而是把两个不同的东西放在一起,看看它们之间是否有联系. 这在病床上起作用, 太, 大发娱乐对病人的护理, 因为有时候会有很多不同的事情同时发生,并且要对其他因素在起作用的事实持开放态度.

Creativity also acknowledges the importance of taking risks, 你知道, that patients sometimes don't want to hear, 就像, 机械反应. Every end-of-life conversation can be very, 非常不同的, 取决于故事, 的情况下, 的关系. The family encounters the saddest of their relationships. You have to be able to, 的, be able to adapt and take some risks. 所以me families are going to want more direct approach. Some people, "I don't want to know," a hands-off approach. 有些人想要了解所有的事实,他们想要更多的方向. Other people just need time, and they're not ready for that conversation.

但, at some point, you have to be able to 的 . . . willing to take risks, and that risk-taking is at a very human level. 这和大发娱乐在街上遇到别人时所冒的风险是一样的, 或者大发娱乐在聚会上认识一些人, 大发娱乐有对话. 这些都是正常的对话. 大发娱乐似乎忘记了这样一个事实:有时大发娱乐非常害怕说错话,以至于大发娱乐不愿意走出自己的内心, 的, 试着去联系. 因此,在大发娱乐与病人接触的过程中,能够在非常人性化的层面上承担风险.

它还包括保持大发娱乐的个性和保持大发娱乐作为医生的声音, 哪一个有时是丢失的呢, 也许, we get taught that there's a certain script that you need to follow. 所以能够有勇气和勇气来脱离剧本.

和, lastly, 我认为, it's to recognize that sometimes we'll fail. There's this tension at play where people in medicine, physicians are often criticized for being less human. 大发娱乐希望大发娱乐的医生更人性化. 但与此同时,大发娱乐不想承认人类会犯错误,大发娱乐是容易犯错的. 我认为,当你是一名年轻的医生时,这是一个很难谈判的地方. I'm still struggling with that as an older doctor. So, 你知道, 建立联系的能力, 发散思维, 能够承担风险, and to recognize that failure is sometimes part of this process, 这是非常, 非常复杂的, 在许多, 许多不同的层次.

格雷琴: So what would you say to someone who says, “我没有创造力"? 和 I'm thinking of a scientist in the lab, I'm thinking of a medical student in their first or second year. I'm thinking of an advanced physician who you say, “创造力很重要。,他们说, “我没有创造力."

Dr. 巴鲁克: One line would be, "Everyone's creative.“就是这样。, 这不是我说的, it's from 设计师 who have talked about this, about people population of individuals in general. 但 我认为 the problem is that when 大发娱乐认为 creativity, 大发娱乐认为, 的, 艺术创造力. 和, 你知道, someone might not envision themselves a writer. 然而, they can become a better writer than they 实际上 are. 有很多次我的学生或同事说, “我不写作. I'm not creative, I don't write" and they are stunningly good writers.

So my first response to those people is, one, everyone can be creative. 其次, don't make the mistake of thinking about creativity in what we do, 把它绑起来, 系绳,, 对艺术创造力, 因为它们是不同的东西. 人们会擅长不同的任务,不管你做什么,不管它是否有创意. So the fact that you're not a good musician, 你没有把自己想象成一个作家, 或者你不会画画, or, “我不会跳舞,这并不意味着你没有创造力, 它只是意味着, 也许, those are things that do not come naturally to you, 你没有追求过.

Creativity also involves a certain measure of vulnerability. 和, 大家都知道, my body does not move gracefully in space, 所以我倾向于避免那些需要我在空间中优雅移动的情况. 我真的像自己想的那么坏吗? 也许,也许不是. 但是,总是有一种脆弱感在起作用,你会说:“我不太擅长这个. 我看起来很傻." So the ability and the willingness to, 就像, “我要犯傻了,“犯傻没关系, 你知道, because that's the only way I can allow my vulnerabilities to, 的, 浮出水面.

这一点非常重要, 因为大发娱乐的病人经历和感受了太多的脆弱,而大发娱乐却没有意识到, 很难坐下来告诉大发娱乐一些真正深刻的东西, that it's something that you're very scared of, 非常害怕. That can be hard, even if it's someone that 你知道 well. 这是一个难以形容的感人的地方,你真的需要去描述 . . . 我认为 学生 really need to just feel it themselves to, 也许, 能更好地了解病人在告诉他们信息时的感受吗.

格雷琴: 我认为这可能是一个很好的教训, 不仅仅是对早期学习者, 学生, 但是在你的职业生涯中, 在任何人的职业生涯中, to remember to stop and take those risks, 即使你认为自己是专家,即使你知道自己在哪些方面有创造力,哪些方面没有.

Dr. 巴鲁克: 这真的很简单. So I'm trying to think about people who might be out there. 冒险真的很容易. Say, "Okay, we need to take more risks.“多冒险. 然而, 如果你仔细想想, 通常医院里穿得最好的是负责风险管理的人. 正确的?

So, 一方面, I don't want to give the wrong impression that there are, 你知道, 努力, 的, 有可复制的模型, and to reduce medical error and reduce mistakes, 改善系统. 这些都很重要. We're not saying we don't want chaos in the hospitals. 大发娱乐不希望人们说,“大发娱乐要尝试这个来防止大发娱乐的病人摔倒。.“大发娱乐说的不是这个.

但 when you live in an environment where risk, 大写的“R”," is an ever-present place in hospital systems, 有时候很难让人们理解这是什么, 的 . . . 大发娱乐说的小“r”是什么意思," the little risk we want you take at the bedside, 情感风险, 也许, 大发娱乐希望学生们, 或者病人想从大发娱乐大发娱乐得到什么, 从他们的大发娱乐提供者那里.

格雷琴: So we've been talking about creativity in medicine and, 实际上, one of the things that we talked about this morning is, 当人们想到医学上的创造力时你想让他们想到什么?

Dr. 巴鲁克: 我想说的是. First off, medicine is inherently a creative act. 它充满了不确定性和模糊性,大发娱乐必须认识到这一点. 那些贩卖人口的专家,在那些有限的空间,那些空间 . . . 那些空白区域, 是艺术家, 你知道, artists of all stripes whether it's writers, 设计师, 视觉艺术家, 谁, 这是一个伟大的 . . . 我认为未来的医学有一个很好的机会来扩展它的概念,谁应该是医疗团队的一部分, or the educational team at medical schools, and that there is a place for artists in that. 和 我认为 there's a necessary place for artists in that.

通过利用他们对大发娱乐正在做的事情的不同思考能力, 它给了大发娱乐一个机会来反思大发娱乐过去所依赖的过程, 和调整, 为未来制定计划, 我认为, 大发娱乐将要面对的挑战将是全新的,有趣的,深刻的, and are going to affect our communities in deep ways. 他们会期待大发娱乐, 作为医疗保健大发娱乐提供者, to be able to respond to their experiences in a meaningful way.

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