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Signs and Symptoms of a Poisonous Spider Bite

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Signs and Symptoms of a Poisonous Spider Bite

Jun 02, 2017

In the United States, 有两种有毒的蜘蛛需要担心:黑寡妇和棕色隐士. 大发娱乐都听过关于这些令人毛骨悚然的生物的恐怖故事, but what really happens if you get bit by one? And what can doctors do about it? Emergency physician Dr. Troy Madsen 和蜘蛛咬伤的非致命症状一样.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: 毒蜘蛛咬,如果被咬了该怎么办? That's next on The Scope.

Announcer: 这是“来自前线”和急诊室医生. Troy Madsen on The Scope.

Interviewer: Dr. Madsen, you know, for whatever reason, 蜘蛛会给很多人带来一点恐惧, right? 没有人想被蜘蛛咬,但现实地说, 只是你得小心那些有毒的东西.

Dr. Madsen: That's right. It is. You know, 大发娱乐经常有人来急诊室说他们被蜘蛛咬了, 他们不确定他们是否有,但他们可能有感染或脓肿. 老实说,我不知道他们有没有被蛇咬过,但你说得很对. 大发娱乐真正担心的是有毒的蜘蛛,因为它们会有更严重的症状,更令人担忧的事情.

Interviewer: All right. 所以普通的蜘蛛咬伤可能没什么好担心的,除非你开始看到脓肿或一些感染,然后你会想要治疗. But what are we talking about poisonous spiders? 我知道在美国主要有两个. 你有棕色隐士和黑寡妇.

Dr. Madsen: That's right.

Interviewer: 如果我被其中任何一个咬了,有什么大不了的吗?

Dr. Madsen: Probably not a huge deal. Let's say that right off.

Interviewer: Because I was terrified of black widows as a kid.

Dr. Madsen: Oh, me too. 你看,我对那些东西怕得要死,觉得如果它们咬了你,你就会死.

Interviewer: Yeah, yeah.

Dr. Madsen: That's not the case. 我想大发娱乐可以先谈谈黑寡妇因为当我还是个孩子的时候, seeing a black widow spider, 当你的朋友告诉你他们橱窗里有一只黑寡妇蜘蛛的时候, well, it was just like, "Wow, stay away. That is just so scary."

Interviewer: That's right.

Dr. Madsen: Impending death. That's not the case. If a black widow spider bites you, 这是一种让你感到非常痛苦的事情,一种典型的事情是,有人可能来到急诊室,也许他们知道自己被黑寡妇蜘蛛咬了, maybe not, 但是他们的腹部非常疼,你推他们的腹部,它非常僵硬, 就像你会认为他们的腹部有某种严重的感染一样, but that's classically what it causes. It causes nausea, vomiting. People just feel awful.

我会给他一些液体,一些恶心的药. 他们经常需要止痛药或其他东西来平静他们的神经,因为他们太紧张了. But then it goes away. 这可能需要几天,但不会要了你的命.

Interviewer: So if you're out in the wilderness on your own, you didn't have medical attention, you would feel pretty cruddy for a couple of days.

Dr. Madsen: You would.

Interviewer: That's the biggest. And then dehydration probably the biggest danger.

Dr. Madsen: Exactly.

Interviewer: If you're nauseous and throwing up. Would you throw up from a black widow spider?

Dr. Madsen: Absolutely.

Interviewer: Nauseous. Okay.

Dr. Madsen: Yeah, 这就像大发娱乐说你食物中毒了或者得了某种病毒性疾病. 如果你在其他方面很健康,这也是同样的道理, probably not a big deal, you're going to feel awful, but you're going to get over it. 但如果你有其他问题,比如心脏病, diabetes, 你可能已经有了一些健康问题,然后你把脱水和它一起扔进去, that could cause some bigger problems, 所以这可能是你需要就医的原因.

Interviewer: All right. What about the brown recluse spider? Here in Utah, people say they get bitten by them. This is like the ongoing debate, right?

Dr. Madsen: Yup.

Interviewer: 就像有人会说,“是的,他们绝对在犹他州.但很多人会说:“不,他们不是。."

Dr. Madsen: That's right. And from everything I understand they're not in Utah. And I agree. 有人来急诊室发誓说他们被一只棕色的隐士蜘蛛咬了,谁知道呢? I can't say they have or they haven't. Maybe it traveled here on a moving van from Alabama. Who knows? But these are primarily in the Southeastern U.S. 大发娱乐在犹他州有一种蜘蛛,叫做流浪蜘蛛,它是棕色的,看起来像棕色的隐士蜘蛛, so that might cause some confusion. 但是流浪汉蜘蛛不会引起棕色隐士引起的问题. 它可能会引起局部感染,引起一些问题.

But the brown recluse, 真正的大问题是它会在被咬的地方导致很多皮肤破裂. 不像黑寡妇会引起更多的症状,比如恶心, vomiting, a lot of symptoms all through the body, the big issue with these brown recluse bites, and I saw this when I worked back in Ohio, is it causes lots of skin breakdown, but quite honestly, there's not a ton we can do for that. Sometimes, with these areas, you know, 你可以看到一个几英寸宽的区域,它正在吞噬皮肤, takes several weeks to really see this progress.

Some of these cases, 人们最终需要进行皮肤移植来治疗该区域, 但如果你急着去急诊室,这也是其中一件事, maybe we could try on an antibiotic. I mean it's questionable. Is there stuff that really prevents this? I haven't seen anything convincing. But you can try stuff. Maybe it helps, maybe it doesn't.

Interviewer: All right. And again, 会不会很疼所以吃点止痛药会比较好之类的?

Dr. Madsen: Yeah, maybe some pain medication, you know. 同样,大发娱乐看到很多人发誓他们被咬过. Who knows if they really have?

Interviewer: All right. So I think we all have already covered the treatment. 棕色的隐士不一定能在短期内做很多事情.

Dr. Madsen: Not right off. I mean, 如果你完全相信,你知道这是一个棕色的隐士, maybe get checked out, maybe we can try something.

Interviewer: Got you. 如果你看到你的皮肤开始分解,那么你就知道这不是一只流浪蜘蛛.

Dr. Madsen: That's right.

Interviewer: And then for the black widow, 腹痛需要注意的是如果你真的呕吐了要确保你保持水分.

Dr. Madsen: Exactly. 或者如果你只是疼痛到无法忍受,你可能需要一些止痛药.

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