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Scientists have shown that they can create fertile eggs from "pluripotent" skin stem cells—cells that can form into any type of embryonic cell. The potential for this kind of regenerative medicine could also help treat diseases. For example, stem cells can now restore healthy bone marrow in leukemia patients. Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones talks about the many interesting scientific—and ethical—questions emerging from this area of stem cell research.


Dr. 琼斯: 如果有人, 男人或女人, 年轻还是年老, could make eggs out of skin cells and have an unlimited and easy to access source of baby making? 怎么会这样呢?? 这是博士. Kirtly Jones from Obstetrics and Gynecology at 犹他大学医疗保健 and this is In-Vitro Gametogenesis on 范围.

播音员: Covering all aspects of women's health, this is the Seven Domains of Women's Health with Dr. Kirtly Jones在Scope上报道.

Dr. 琼斯: The holy grail of regenerative medicine is to be able to make organs or tissues that need replacing, 想想你疼痛的膝盖上的软骨, 这些细胞是你的,而且很容易得到. In the process of human development, cells that are very early in the embryo are called totipotent. 这意味着它们可以变成体内的任何细胞. The time that cells are totipotent in normal human development is quite short, 也许就在受精后几天. After that, cells start going down a pathway of development and cannot go back. Cells become pluripotent meaning they can turn into a number of cell types of one type, perhaps the cells of the tissues of internal organs but they cannot make eggs or sperms anymore.

When you hear the word stem cells or stem cell research, it refers to cells that are not completely developed or differentiated into skin or hair or other tissues but can be turned on in natural development to replace cells in certain tissues when those cells die. 在过去的30年里, a lot of research has been focused on harvesting and growing stem cells to be used in treatment of disease. The poster child is bone marrow transplantation for the development of blood cancers like leukemia. This treatment is highly effective in using blood stem cells from cord blood or an adult's bone marrow or maybe someone's own blood stem cells to replace the diseased blood cells.

好吧. 虽然不是黄金时段,也没有保险, some clinics are harvesting stem cells from tissues and injecting them into knees that have had the cartilage wear down in hopes that these stem cells will decide to make cartilage when they find themselves in the right place.

那么鸡蛋呢?? 如果你能取出皮肤细胞呢, 只有一点点皮肤组织, and harvest the stem cells that help replace skin cells, turn back the developmental clock to make early egg cells? 在卵巢中, there is a supply of egg cells that are being very early in development and can grow and mature to ovulate each month when a girl goes through puberty until they run out at menopause.

Recently, a Japanese research group did just that in mice. 他们提取了老鼠的皮肤细胞, turned back the developmental clock and made early egg cells, 让卵子发育, 增加精子, 使胚胎, 把它们放在老鼠里, 生出了老鼠宝宝. 好吧. 这就是所谓的“恶心因素”. The yuck factor is when someone hears about a new development in science or medicine and it tweaks their emotional or moral sense. 想想面部移植. 大发娱乐有一点令人讨厌的因素. Sometimes the yuck factor calms down with a little more understanding and experience.

The possibility of making animals or humans this way to have a source of gamete cells, 也就是卵子和精子, 男女皆可, 年轻还是年老, 这让一些人觉得恶心. Many people experience the yuck factor when the first in-vitro fertilization baby was born or when human egg donation became a way for postmenopausal women to bear children or when human embryo banks were established with frozen embryos to be chosen, 买了, 然后被运送到代孕子宫. So here we have the yuck factor with the process of growing eggs or sperm in the lab from skin cells or other cells. This is called in vitro gametogenesis, generating gametes in the test tube.

There are some very interesting scientific questions about early development of eggs and sperms and embryos that could be answered using this technology. And people who'd run out of eggs or sperm in the case of women, 可能是更年期, 不管是男人还是女人, 可能是化疗, might have their source of eggs and sperm with their own DNA. If a woman and her female partner wanted to make a baby with DNA from both of them, 他们可以利用这项技术. 当然, although the mice were made in the lab with in vitro gametogenesis this year, that doesn't mean the technology will be available to make human embryos tomorrow.

就像克隆, 用皮肤细胞制造胚胎, 想想多利羊, 它从未真正在人类中流行起来, and there are still a lot of questions about the safety for the newborn child to be, but it may be right around the corner and what will we do about that? 请继续关注,感谢收看范围.

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