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I’m Attracted to Both Boys and Girls – Am I Normal?

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I’m Attracted to Both Boys and Girls – Am I Normal?

Jul 13, 2017

一些进入性成熟期的女性可能会发现自己同时被男性和女性所吸引. The internal question becomes "Am I normal?" On this episode of The Scope, Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones 讨论性吸引力和寻找安全空间的可用资源.

Episode Transcript

Interviewer: 你喜欢男人,但你觉得你可能也喜欢女人. It's a personal question, 但是你怎么知道你的性取向和什么是正常的呢? 大发娱乐将在《大发体育官网》节目中讨论这个问题.

Announcer: 每个女人都想知道自己的健康,身体和思想,这是“我正常吗??" on The Scope.

Interviewer: We're talking to Dr. Kirtly Parker Jones. She's the expert on all things woman. Dr. Jones, 大发娱乐大发娱乐有一封来自一位听众的信,他比大发娱乐通常的听众要年轻一点. She's 16 years old. She's never had sex. 她说她很自信她喜欢男人,但她也可能喜欢女孩. 但她并不知道自己的性偏好是什么,因为她从来没有过性生活. 她在想,这是正常的经历吗?

Dr. Jones: Okay. 首先,我很高兴她给我发了邮件,但我希望她也能有个安全的倾诉对象. But let's talk about normal again. So sometimes normal is a scientific number, and sometimes normal is a cultural construct, 也就是说,文化告诉你什么是正常的,什么是正常的,而文化可能不正常. 当涉及到性偏好或性身份时, it's both a scientific number, and I can give you some numbers, and it's neither because, in fact, 大发娱乐生活在一个多元文化的社会,人们并不总是说实话, so we may not even have the right numbers.

But let's just do some numbers. The scientific number, which isn't very scientific, is about 4% of people, 18 to 45, identify as gay, lesbian, bisexual, or transgendered, meaning not straight. Now, 大约7%的千禧一代会在“非异性恋”这一选项上打勾,大约12%的这个年龄段的美国人有过同性性接触. So normal, 大发娱乐考虑的是至少10%的人口, 所以大发娱乐大发娱乐挣扎,因为很多人不告诉大发娱乐, so the "Don't ask, “不要告诉别人”这句话在医学上已经存在很长时间了,而且大发娱乐如何开始真正获得这些信息.

Now, the cultural, when it comes to normal, 很难知道什么是正常的,因为一种文化或亚文化可能会认为一件事是好的. And often, we use the word "normal" as what we think as okay, 所以很多人会做一些大发娱乐认为不好的事情, like have sex outside your marriage, that's like not okay. It's so common that it's normal by numbers. 所以我不知道什么是正常,但你肯定是,这个年轻的女人并不孤单.

In young people, particularly young women, sexual preference is rather fluid, 也就是说,你想和什么样的人发生性关系会有点变化, a bunch. The old paradigm, 旧的思维方式是,你生来就是这样或那样的,你只需要选择一个. 你要么是同性恋,要么是异性恋,你得坚持下去. But in fact, we're finding more and more that, once again, particularly for women, it's not so simple.

So some people, all their lives, 会对其中一个有偏好,还是对两者都有偏好, 但有些人在青春期从一种性取向转向另一种性取向. 一个年轻女性可能有一个非常亲密的私人朋友,这个朋友可能是同性恋,也可能不是同性恋, 原本非常私人的关系开始变得像浪漫的关系. So for many women, and particularly young women, it's more about the relationship, the person, than it is about the sex. So we tend to, as women can, inflate our romance and our relationship with sex, whereas men do that a little less than women.

所以最重要的是,如果你现在还不知道, don't tell, meaning you don't have to commit right now. 这是一件很重要的事情,需要你们去讨论和思考, but you need to find someone you can talk to. And most importantly, you need to be safe. 所以我不会在学校里谈论这个话题,甚至不会和一个人谈论,除非你认为那个人真的很安全.

Interviewer: 你把重点放在了确保她有一个可以倾诉的人. Why is that so critical?

Dr. Jones: 谈论你的感受和与你觉得安全的人一起工作的重要原因是因为在许多文化中, and I don't know the culture of this young woman, being gay is considered not okay. 还有很多年轻人发现自己被同性吸引, 随之而来的是一层巨大的内疚,“我不好”和自我厌恶.

大发娱乐知道同性恋和变性儿童, young people, adolescents are more likely to commit suicide. 大发娱乐知道他们更有可能吸毒和酗酒. 部分原因是他们对自己和家人的疏离感. So I want these people, these young people to be safe, 并且能够和一个理解他们会成长的人交谈, 随着年龄的增长,他们会对自己感到更自在, whichever path they take, will be helpful and keep these young people safe.

So who do you find who's safe? Now, it could be that you have a parent who's safe. 或者在这种情况下,可能是你的阿姨或你认识的人. 也可能是辅导员,因为越来越多的高中辅导员在和年轻人谈论性认同、性选择和人们在高中经历的流动性时变得非常熟悉和自在.

如果你觉得这不是一个安全的地方,让你说出你的担忧,并与他们一起成长, there are several churches that welcome gay, straight, bisexual, transgendered, and queer people of all kinds. 我想说的是大都会教堂全国各地都有大都会教堂. 一神论教会通常非常热情,这些教会的牧师受过培训,可以大发娱乐人们谈论他们的感受. So you need to be safe.

So the question is, and the answer is, 你是否正常,我不认为这是真正的问题, is that you are okay and you are not alone. You are in really good company.

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