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A 输精管结扎术 is considered the least invasive and lowest risk procedure someone can have. However, when it comes to "getting snipped," there are a lot of myths floating around. 泌尿科医生 Dr. 亚历克斯Pastuszak debunks some of the major myths about vasectomies—some of which are downright ridiculous.


播音员: Health information from experts supported by research from University of Utah Health. 这是scoperadio.com.

面试官: 当涉及到 输精管结扎术, there are a lot of myths that you might hear about from friends or 也许 you've even read them on the internet and they're simply not true. 很多时候, these myths could contribute to the fact that 也许 not as many men get a 输精管结扎术 in the United States compared to other parts of the world.

Dr. 亚历克斯Pastuszak is a urologist and a reproductive expert at University of Utah Health. And I'd love to get you as the expert to address some of these common myths that I found out on the internet about 输精管结扎术 and find out if they're true or not. I think one of all them that you hear is it's called getting snipped sometimes, which makes me think that this is a pretty major surgical procedure. 这是真的吗??


Dr. Pastuszak: 很好的第一个问题,很好的引导性问题. 女士们先生们, I'm here to tell you that this is one of the least invasive procedures that a guy can have or a human being can have for that matter, because literally we're talking about two half-inch incisions, one or two half incisions in your scrotum and a quick pulling up of your vas -- clipping, 切割, 把它放回去,缝合起来. 所有这一切只需要15分钟,非常快,没有侵入性.

面试官: 好吧. So getting snipped, that's really unfortunate isn't it that people refer to it as that?

Dr. Pastuszak: 我的意思是,这是事实,但它不是侵入性的.


面试官: 是的,好吧. 那么这个流言呢?? 这真的非常非常痛苦. 哦,会疼的.

Dr. Pastuszak: 不正确的. If we did it back the way they would have done it back in the 1200s or 1400s before there was any form of anesthesia, 然后是的, 也许. 但大发娱乐用的是很好的局部麻醉. We give you some oral meds that also numb things up a little bit for you. 所以大发娱乐的疼痛程度非常小.

面试官: 好吧. 那恢复期的疼痛呢? Sometimes I hear that it can be kind of painful to recover?

Dr. Pastuszak: 是的. 我跟你说实话吧. 我告诉大家,这是预料之中的, 你知道, they will feel like they got kicked in the boys for a day or so, 开与关, 所以它不是常数,然后它就消失了.

面试官: 好吧. And that's really kind of a small price to pay when you think about it that from then on out, 在你的余生中, you don't have to think of birth control for you and your spouse?

Dr. Pastuszak: Think about the freedom that comes with a minor bit of pain for a day or two.


面试官: 绝对. 好吧. 那么这个流言呢?? 它会影响我的睾丸激素分泌, and all of a sudden I'm going to start watching "Gilmore Girls" and I'm going to have a high-pitched voice. 我的肌肉会消失.

Dr. Pastuszak: 两个字——不正确. Now, let me say just a word about that, because I think it's important. 好吧? So guys, 睾酮 doesn't come up through your vas up into your body. 它会进入你的血液. 你的睾丸会 睾酮. Doing a 输精管结扎术 is not going to stop your testicles from making 睾酮. 随着年龄的增长,你的睾丸激素水平可能会下降, but this has nothing to do with whether or not you had a 输精管结扎术.


面试官: 好的,很好. 这个怎么样?? It's going to change sexual function or it's going to reduce a man's pleasure.

Dr. Pastuszak: 一点也不. 你的小弟弟还是输精管结扎前的样子. And 睾酮 is really important in all those processes and, 就像大发娱乐说的, 大发娱乐不会乱来的.

面试官: The key thing I'm picking up here is it's what are we actually doing, and we're just 切割 that one little small tube that allows the sperm to go out into the world.

Dr. Pastuszak: 这是正确的.

Myth #5: A 输精管结扎术 Causes Prostate Cancer and Cardiovascular DIsease

面试官: 这个怎么样?? 这个更严肃一些. 它会导致前列腺癌, or it has been linked to cardiovascular disease if you get this procedure done.

面试官: 目前还没有令人信服的证据. 有几篇论文, but there is no evidence that would really suggest that 输精管结扎术 actually causes prostate cancer or is related to cardiovascular disease. These studies were all based on big cohorts that were not necessarily vetted very well. 所以这些研究有不完善之处, 现在在泌尿学领域, there's nobody who has changed practice as a result of any of them. 所以证据肯定不是百分之百的,甚至不是接近它.

面试官: It sounds like perhaps other things could have caused these things, not 输精管结扎术 in the data.

Dr. Pastuszak: 正确的. You know, guys will get prostate cancer as they get older.

面试官: 这是会发生的.

Dr. Pastuszak: 这是会发生的,没错. 心血管疾病也是如此. Just because you link it to a 输精管结扎术 doesn't mean it's true.


面试官: And finally, how about this one that my sperm is going to build up? 我是说这只是我在网上找到的. I mean, I don't know how somebody believes this, but apparently somebody does. My sperm's going to build up, and my testicles will explode as a result.

Dr. Pastuszak: 这是我的最爱之一. And it's a legitimate question, right, because you are blocking the exit of sperm from the testicles.

面试官: 作为高中生,大发娱乐知道这是怎么回事.

Dr. Pastuszak: 正确的. 没错,后面那个蓝色和五个字母的单词. The answer to this is that know your boys are not going to explode after you have a 输精管结扎术. The body just reabsorbs the sperm that are made in your testicle. I mean, it knows that they have nowhere to go, and then it's just going to soak them right back up. 所以不用担心.


面试官: 好吧. 还有其他的神话吗?

Dr. Pastuszak: 我觉得你已经讲得很好了. 我还想提一下高潮的问题, because we talked a little bit about sexual function and we talked about sensation but not orgasm. 对性高潮也没有影响. Guys, just be reassured that this is a very local thing that we're doing. 大发娱乐会阻止你在未来生孩子, and it's not going affect anything that you associate with your sexuality, 男子气概还是你的生计.

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