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Frequent Bathroom Trips During the Night

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Frequent Bathroom Trips During the Night

May 01, 2019

50多岁和60多岁的男性可能会开始更多地在半夜上厕所. It’s annoying and messes with your sleep schedule, but is it something concerning regarding your health? Urologist r. Gary Faerber解释了为什么随着年龄的增长,大多数男性需要更频繁地使用洗手间,以及有哪些治疗方法可以让他们重新睡到晚上.

Episode Transcript

Announcer: Health information from expects, supported by research. From University of Utah Health, this is

Interviewer: 以前从来没有过这种情况,但是现在你每天晚上都要起来上一次或更多次厕所. Dr. Gary Faerber is a urologist. What could be going on with that? Could it be one thing or is it a lot of things?

Dr. Faerber: Well, it could be a number of things. 这方面最常见的可能是年龄较大的男性 . . . 你知道,他们担心这些可能是前列腺癌的征兆. 这是他们能想到的最邪恶的事情.

Interviewer: So we're talking older, how old, 50?

Dr. Faerber: Oh, yeah, men in their 50's, 60's, 70's, yeah.

Interviewer: So like up until this point, 他们可以一觉睡到天亮,不需要上厕所,突然之间 . . .

Dr. Faerber: Right.

Interviewer: 它是突然发生的还是随着时间的推移 . . .

Dr. Faerber: Oftentimes, it's a gradual thing, you know. 起初,他们可能每晚起床一次,然后是两次,三次,然后 . . .

Interviewer: 所以如果开始发生这种情况,那么可能有什么事情发生了?

Dr. Faerber: Absolutely, yeah.

Interviewer: 会不会只是因为他们开始在深夜喝水?

Dr. Faerber: That's . . .

Interviewer: Is that the first thing you look at?

Dr. Faerber: Sure. 大发娱乐当然会记录他们喝了多少水,什么时候喝的只是为了了解这是否正常因为他们喝了多少水, or is this, you know, not quite so normal.

Interviewer: All right. So if it turns out to be not quite so normal, let's talk about what some of the possibilities could be.

Dr. Faerber: It's probably related to their prostate. 这并不是因为他们得了前列腺癌,但在大多数情况下, 这是因为他们有良性或正常的前列腺肿大. 当这种情况发生时,它会导致膀胱功能的一些变化. And they may not be emptying all the way. 膀胱可能会变得有点过于活跃,因此, 他们不能像年轻时那样憋尿了. 所有这些原因都可能导致他们不得不在晚上起床.

Interviewer: So an enlarging prostate's just part of life. As you age, it's going to happen, if I understand correctly.

Dr. Faerber: Yes.

Interviewer: So nothing to be concerned about really?

Dr. Faerber: That is exactly right. 如果你80岁了,100%的男性都会有前列腺良性肿大. So it is a normal aging process.

Interviewer: All right. So that's kind of the most common thing. What do you for that then?

Dr. Faerber: It depends on how bad it is. 例如,如果不是太糟糕,你可以做一些行为上的改变. For example, 睡觉前不要喝那一大杯水,晚上也不要喝太多. And to be honest with you, most men try that initially. 你知道,他们做了一些实验,然后说,“是的,我做过."

Interviewer: Yeah, by the time they get to you, right?

Dr. Faerber: Right, exactly. 然后,我会给一位男士做一个检查看看他的前列腺有多大. And then, we then also look to see how well he empties. 所以大发娱乐会有一个绅士空然后大发娱乐可以做一个膀胱的超声波看看有多少尿液留在里面因为大发娱乐想看看他们是否一直排空或者他们只是排空了一点但是大部分尿液留在了膀胱里. And if that's the case, 然后你就能理解膀胱不需要很长时间就能重新充血然后他们就会感到必须再去一次的冲动 . . .

Interviewer: All right. And that is caused by the . . . not emptying all the way is caused by the enlarged prostate?

Dr. Faerber: That's exactly right.

Interviewer: 所以如果它们没有一直倒空,你能做些什么吗?

Dr. Faerber: I tell men that enlarging prostate is sort of like, you're sort of pinching off a garden hose where the prostate, as it enlarges, 它使尿液从膀胱流出的通道变窄. 有不同的治疗方法现在有不同类型的药物可用.

Interviewer: 有些男人会选择什么都不做,继续在晚上起床吗?

Dr. Faerber: Yes.

Interviewer: And that's completely acceptable as well?

Dr. Faerber: Yes. 你知道,如果大发娱乐发现他们真的在排空膀胱,那完全没问题. 而且我认为有很多男人每晚起床一两次都很舒服, 这对他们的身体、情感或社交都没有影响.

Interviewer: 所以每晚需要起床上一次或多次厕所可能是前列腺肥大. What are some of the other things? 大发娱乐不要讲得太深入,我只是想快速地看一下它还可能是什么.

Dr. Faerber: Right. We do know that as we all get older, and this has to do with not only with men, but with women too, is that the bladder becomes overactive. We all know, myself included, that when I was 18 years old, 当我的膀胱告诉我它已经满了的时候,我不需要注意我的膀胱.

Interviewer: Right. 12个小时的公路旅行,8个小时,你还可以再走4个小时.

Dr. Faerber: Right. It was no big deal. And I was always that, you know, 嘲笑我爸妈上厕所的次数越来越多.

Interviewer: You chuckle no more.

Dr. Faerber: Right. Exactly. I do not chuckle anymore. I understand completely. So as we get older, our functional bladder capacity goes down. And that's a normal aging process. 有一些药物可以大发娱乐那些确实有问题的病人. 但在大多数情况下,大发娱乐不需要做任何事情. Oftentimes, if I can just reassure patients that, "If it's not bothering you, 这并不困扰我,所以大发娱乐不需要做任何事情." So normal aging process is one.

二是膀胱内是否有什么东西使膀胱更容易烦躁, for example, bladder tumor or a bladder stone or something else like that, that may need to be checked. Oftentimes, if that's the case, 这不仅与晚上必须起床有关,还可能与尿血有关,或者与频繁的尿路感染有关, 或者其他类似的东西会告诉大发娱乐可能有比膀胱过度活动更多的事情发生.

Interviewer: Yeah. And of course, 如果膀胱症状和你说的其他症状同时出现, that's when, probably . . .

Dr. Faerber: . . . you really need to get concerned. Yes, absolutely.

Announcer: Have a question about a medical procedure? Want to learn more about a health condition? With over 2,000 interviews with our physicians and specialists, 你很有可能会找到你想知道的. Check it out at

updated: May 1, 2019
originally published: April 12, 2017