为犹他大学学生大发娱乐提供免费新型冠状病毒肺炎检测, 教师, 通过技术和团队合作,员工成为可能

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为犹他大学学生大发娱乐提供免费新型冠状病毒肺炎检测, 教师, 通过技术和团队合作,员工成为可能


如何使每周无症状 新型冠状病毒肺炎 testing available for 62,000 members of the University of Utah community? That is a story of innovation, cross-campus collaboration, and some cool technology. HSC核心 is mainly known for its laboratory services to support researchers across campus. 但 when increased asymptomatic testing capacity was needed, they stepped up to the challenge. Dr. 迈克尔好 visited HSC核心 to learn about how they process thousands of tests each day in order to protect students, 工作人员, 和老师. Students, 教师, or 工作人员 who want a free test can get more information on the 新型冠状病毒肺炎无症状检测网站.


面试官: The challenge to provide expanded asymptomatic 新型冠状病毒肺炎 testing for 62,000名犹他大学学生, 教师, 和工作人员. The solution is a story about innovation and collaboration, and a group known mainly just to researchers called HSC核心. Dr. 迈克尔好, 犹他健康大学的首席执行官, 犹他大学医学院院长, 健康科学高级副总裁, 参观了HSC核心,了解他们是如何实现这一目标的.

Dr. 好, what was the main challenge when it came to making asymptomatic testing more widely available, 以及HSC核心如何大发娱乐解决这个问题?

Dr. 好: 大发娱乐去年开始了这个项目, with those that lived in our dorm residence but were having trouble getting the capability, enough tests at an affordable cost and was really pleased when, 通过博士. 安迪·魏瑞希,大发娱乐负责研究的副总裁. 约翰•菲利普斯, and other members of our research community pointed out that we do PCR testing in our Core laboratories, 大发娱乐可以把它放大. 但, 也, 你知道, 这项创新始于大发娱乐实验室的这项能力, 但它周围都是大发娱乐的临床手术团队, who set up a methodology that specimens could be obtained in a very efficient manner. 然后大发娱乐的IT团队必须团结起来, 通知是自动的, people get an email notice back with results typically in somewhere between 4 to 10 hours, 几乎总是同一天. 大发娱乐有一个 . . . 所以这是一个很简洁的, 我认为, 犹他州独有的故事, 与资讯科技有关, 与临床操作相关, 与核心实验室PCR能力相关, are all coming together to offer this great service to our team members throughout the university.

面试官: Just a great example of cross-campus collaboration to make more testing happen. 但也有一些创新正在进行, 我理解, at HSC核心 in order to do the number of tests that were needed. 跟我说说这个吧. You saw what this system looks like, and I guess it was pretty incredible.

Dr. 好: 首先, 这是问题的核心, 如果你愿意, 非常聪明, 大概是一个哦, 一英寸高, 大概是3/8英寸宽, 一个非常小的收集管,上面有一个橙色的盖子. In the little bag with 集合 tube is a funnel and a toothpick. 当你第一次看到它的时候,你会说:“那是干什么用的?之后你会说:“这太神奇了。."

首先,你把盖子取下来 . . . 关闭采集装置的橙色盖子, 你把漏斗放进去, 团队会告诉你, 他们想让你流口水, 而不是吐痰. 大发娱乐知道唾液携带冠状病毒. Work by our 教师 showed that actually saliva is a reliable source for doing these tests.

所以无论如何, 将漏斗放入小收集管中, and then drool until the one inch or so tube is filled up. Now, this is where the toothpick comes in handy because on occasion you'll get an airlock. 你的口水, 你的唾液会在漏斗里, but it won't make in its way down into 集合 device. So you take the toothpick and just kind of help break that airlock and get the saliva into the tube. 和 that is, kind of, 如果你愿意, the clinical operations piece of this on the front. You know, the risk of the shoutout is I'm going to miss a whole bunch of people. 但这是博士. Richard Orlandi and Cameron Wright, a key member of his team, Michael Bronson, Nikki Gilmore. We've got a group of about 8 or 10 people that work on the frontend of this, 如果你愿意, 集合.

面试官: So then you got to see what happens after you drool in the tube and how it gets processed on the backend. 跟我说说.

Dr. 好: 这就是Core Lab团队真正开始工作的地方. 再一次,在这方面有很多创新. So I believe the number's 96 tubes are loaded into a cartridge, into a rack. Now, they're going to add the reagents that are necessary for the test. 但 think about it, you got 96, 1-inch tubes, sitting in this rack. 于是团队开始工作, 并大发娱乐提高吞吐量, 实际上买了一个开瓶器, D-E-C-A-P-P-E-R, 开瓶器. So the cartridge goes into the decapping machine where a whole bunch of mechanical hands come down, 如果你愿意, and literally unscrew the caps off of these 96 specimens, 然后从那里开始, 去头的标本放进去, 在兜帽下, 这就是大发娱乐的核心实验室团队工作的地方.

Derek was on point, running the bench the day I was there, as he explained about . . . 我想他们混合了十次,如果你愿意的话. A micropipetter first put in the reagent and then pulled it in and out of the micropipette 10 times to make sure it was mixed. 回到衣橱里, 现在来回顾一下, R-E-C-A-P-P-E-R, 那些盖子盖在墨盒上, 子弹进入热灭活器, 热量都停止了, 如果你愿意, 冠状病毒的毒性. 它还会使大发娱乐唾液中的酶失活. 如果大发娱乐不停用那些酶, they could potentially degrade the coronavirus that they're trying to detect.

从那里, that cartridge with the reagents for the PCR reaction go into the analyzer, and then the machine goes to look for the specific genes that have been identified as being most reliable to detect the coronavirus. 如果其中一根管子开始出现正电反应, 如果他们开始检测到冠状病毒, 仪器知道是哪个样品, 和哪个人有关. 我看到的盘子被分析了, I think three or four specimens were starting to show coronavirus as the machine cycled, 它们漂浮在顶部, 如果你愿意, 这样那里的团队就可以查看一下了. 和 they get a really nice visual display that they can look at the pattern coming off the machine and visually confirm that, “是啊, 看起来像 . . . that is the pattern we see when coronavirus is in the specimen."

面试官: 太棒了. 惊人的创新. 牙签的事, 我能理解你解释的所有东西, 我甚至不知道人们是怎么想到这个的. 这是一个了不起的团队, 不仅能做那种类型的测试, 但是当大发娱乐扩大规模的时候, 听起来他们的反应非常好.

Dr. 好: I am so impressed and I just want to reiterate how helpful this is to our campus. I've received numerous thank you's and compliments from all across the campus. Any member of the University of Utah team, with or without symptoms, can now get a test. 和, 你知道, 这其中的一部分, 已经获得了核心实验室的能力, 尤其是聚合酶链反应能力, 然后这个团队真的走到了一起. 我提到过博士. Weyrich和Dr. 菲利普斯. Derek Warner was the one mixing the reagents under the hood. Really a shoutout for Derek, I think he's put a lot of the pieces of this puzzle together. 詹姆斯·考克斯, 另一位大发娱乐我参观的核心实验室团队成员, 是谁引导着我, 把我介绍给团队成员. 迈克尔·鲍尔斯,布兰达·史密斯,艾略特·弗朗西斯. 这不仅仅是一两个人聚在一起. This is three separate teams, the Core Labs, the clinical ops team, and the IT team. 在每个团队中, there's probably six or eight people that played a leading role in making all this happen. 所以这是犹他州独有的, 这是一项非常重要的服务, 现在在校园里可以买到.