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When it comes to sexual health for men, the discussion often focuses on sexual performance and STIs. 但性健康远不止于此. 男性健康专家 约翰·史密斯博士,全面讨论男性性健康. 了解经常被忽视的生理, 社会, 以及影响男性性健康的心理因素.

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    面试官: 通常当大发娱乐谈论男性性健康的时候, 它真正专注于性能和避免性传播感染, 或者性传播疾病. 但是今天, we're going to maybe explore some of the other elements of sexual health for men with an expert in the field. 大发娱乐正在和 Dr. 约翰。史密斯他是犹他健康大学的非手术泌尿科医生.

    现在,博士. 史密斯, 说到性健康, 我的意思是, 这不仅仅是表现和大发娱乐是否患病的问题, 正确的?

    Dr. 史密斯: 是的,绝对. Sexual health, especially when we talk about men's sexual health, includes a lot of different things.

    大发娱乐进入正题的时候, 很多都发生在大发娱乐进入青春期的时候, 大发娱乐从哪里开始有性欲, 大发娱乐的性欲开始出现, 大发娱乐发展第二性征, 大发娱乐开始进一步探索这个问题.

    然后在这个范围内, 这也有生育的一面, 因为性健康也会影响生育能力.

    So there is more to it than just performance and erectile function and those types of things. 还有其他需要考虑的事情.


    面试官: 那么大发娱乐为什么不深入研究其中的几个呢? There seems to be a real relationship between a person's physical health and their sexual health. What are some of the elements of a man's physical health that can really impact the amount of sexual wellness they're experiencing?

    Dr. 史密斯: 通常情况下,男性倾向于不经常去看医生, 所以他们忽略了其中的一些, 这是一件值得思考的大事.

    Early on in life, we tend to be a little bit more athletically outgoing as far as our activity level. Maybe not necessarily athletic, but our activity level is higher when we're younger. And then that kind of slows down as we get older or may fall into a job or start to have kids or whatever. 所以整体健康和心血管健康是一个大问题, 因为大发娱乐的心血管越健康, 大发娱乐患血管疾病的可能性就越小.

    现在, 有些是遗传的, 但大发娱乐会讨论大发娱乐可以控制的事情, 而不是大发娱乐做不到的事情. 所以保持良好的心血管健康将有助于维持健康的血管.

    勃起功能障碍的主要驱动因素之一是血管受损. 所以大发娱乐在这方面越健康, 大发娱乐的境况就越好, 大发娱乐出现这些问题的可能性就越小.

    随之而来的是,大发娱乐坐得越久,体重就会增加得越多. 大发娱乐的体重增加得越多, 通常, will lead us towards a higher predisposition to low testosterone which can really affect libido and sexual function as a whole.

    保持适当的体重, 保持健康饮食, 保持健康的生活习惯, 保持这些良好的健康习惯会影响性健康. Maybe not in your 20s or 30s, but definitely long-term, it will start to affect those things.


    面试官: 除了饮食和运动,还有其他的生活方式因素吗? 吸烟或饮酒怎么办?

    Dr. 史密斯: 哦,当然. 物质使用和/或滥用肯定会起作用. 一般吸烟, 比如吸烟, 真的会影响心血管系统吗, 这是大发娱乐提到过的, 它确实可以加速这些变化. 所以这些都不是健康的事情.

    A lot of studies that are out there on alcohol consumption show that one or two drinks . . . 或者现在他们经常把它们放在“你一周喝多少酒”的问题上.“对于男性来说,每天喝一杯被认为是一种平均水平. 这可能会或可能不会像大发娱乐想象的那样影响事情, but heavy use of alcohol can also affect cardiovascular health and affect a lot of other things as well.

    There are studies that show people who tend to binge drink may have a higher incidence of putting themselves at risk for STIs, 我知道大发娱乐不是在谈论这个, 但有时这些事情会伴随着药物的使用.


    面试官: 我想大发娱乐要超越物理因素, 心理健康在性健康中也扮演着重要的角色, 不是吗?

    Dr. 史密斯: 绝对. Oftentimes when I have younger men who come into the office with erectile problems, 他们中的很大一部分被认为是心因性勃起功能障碍. Sometimes I'll kind of term it something a little bit different to them where I'll say it's more of a life erectile dysfunction, where there are stressors and different things that can really impact sexual function.

    I bring up big stressors, like if your grandmother is sick and in the hospital and is about to die. 在那个时候,你可能没有那么重视你的性功能. 或者如果你的宠物生病了,或者父母生病了, 或者你刚刚和你的伴侣大吵了一架, 在那些时刻,你不太可能对性满足感兴趣.

    And so those are things that we need to factor in because the erectile function in and of itself isn't just a binary thing of erection/no erection. There's a lot of nuance to that where a lot of our emotional stability and things like that do play a role.


    面试官: The other element that comes into play with sexual health is that you have a partner involved as well. 现在,博士. 史密斯, what are some of the ways that we could maybe communicate or kind of bring up some of these issues with our sexual health or concerns, 等.? 大发娱乐如何与大发娱乐的伴侣沟通这些事情?

    Dr. 史密斯: 太好了,因为这是我看到的一件大事. 人们进来,他们想谈论这些事情, and some of them are very difficult to talk about with their partner or they're affecting their relationship. 我有一些早泄的病人, where sexual encounters are shorter than their partner may like or that they may like.

    所以我最重要的一点是, "You've got to have a conversation with your partner about the 你可能会有不安全感的事情, that you may be struggling with that may affect the sexual experience for both you and your partner."

    这是我让他们互相交流的一个领域, because a lot of times it's not necessarily even that it's taboo or anything else, 但这可能会让人尴尬或焦虑之类的.

    但实际上, it's nice because I can start that in the office 通常 with them and their partner, 如果他们的伴侣来赴约, 然后说, “嘿, 人, 让大发娱乐一起讨论一下.“我可以充当中间人.

    现在, 我不是说去找一个人来做你们关系的中介, 但是如果你可以, 有机会对彼此坦诚相待吗.

    I think that some of that comes down to your choice in sexual partners and feeling safe in the relationship to be able to have those conversations. 如果你觉得你不能进行这些对话, 试着让自己处于一个可以做到的位置.

    Those are going to help sexual health and sexual function between you and your partner and allow for just a better overall sexual experience for both of you by having the ability to be open and honest about your feelings, 你可能会有不安全感的事情, 诸如此类.

    拥有那些亲密的时刻, 我的意思是, 你让自己在别人面前变得脆弱, 因此,能够进行这些开放和诚实的对话是很好的.

    And you should look to find partners who will allow for that open honest communication, which is going to allow you to have less angst and be more open in the sexual encounter, 哪一个对双方都有利.


    面试官: 如果病人对他们的性健康有任何问题, or maybe they do need to get that conversation started about how to have healthy communication about their sexual health, 男性应该在什么时候考虑去看专科医生?

    Dr. 史密斯: 好吧, 如果他们有这些问题, they're probably already there where they should think about talking with someone. 你可以去看你的主治医生. 他们经常处理这些问题. 男性健康专家, 泌尿科医生, 处理很多性功能障碍和男性的性健康问题. 我并不是说那里需要有功能障碍.

    也有性治疗师. I have a list of folks in the area that do kind of sexual health as far as having opportunities to talk and bring your partner together with these specialists as well. 所以你可以在你的地区寻找那些人.

    And if there's ever a thought or question where you have it, don't hesitate to seek out help. 我认为这是男人倾向于做的一件事, 他们只是压抑自己,然后琢磨, “我总有一天会想明白的.“寻求大发娱乐是可以的. It's okay to go talk to someone and hear their perspective and get the opportunity to receive some information or counsel or whatever you want to call it from someone who does it all the time.