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脊柱侧凸对任何孩子来说都是一个令人生畏的问题. 整形外科医生 约书亚·斯皮尔斯,医学博士, 解释了脊柱侧凸的复杂性, 从儿科医生的初步发现到现有的治疗方案. Learn how to manage this common spinal condition and help your kid get the best health outcome.

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    面试官: 你的孩子被诊断患有脊柱侧凸, 你有点担心他们的未来会怎样. 今天大发娱乐来谈谈脊柱侧凸确诊后该怎么做, 你应该知道什么, 接下来的步骤是什么.

    Dr. 约书亚·斯皮尔斯大发娱乐接受过奖学金培训的儿科骨科医生, 他擅长脊柱侧弯的治疗.


    我想从, 对于不熟悉脊柱侧凸的人来说, 你会如何向他们描述这种情况? 我知道这和脊椎的弯曲有关, 但你怎么跟病人解释呢?

    Dr. 斯皮尔斯: 是的,完全正确. The most basic explanation is a curvature of the spine where the spine is no longer straight on the front and back view, 它向一边偏移.

    面试官: 好吧. 所以这是一个侧面到侧面的曲率. 因为大发娱乐的脊椎自然地从前到后弯曲. 这是正常的.

    Dr. 斯皮尔斯: 完全. 更详细的思考方式是这是一个三维畸形, 它稍微旋转一下,向侧面偏移. 这确实会引起肋骨的旋转, 有时它甚至会使肩膀有点不平整. 但是,你知道,基本的前后视图是一个侧曲率.


    面试官: 你通常会看到引荐,对吧? 一般, 我想象, 据我所知, 患者最初被诊断为脊柱侧凸, 就像, 健康检查或儿科检查. I mean, it used to be in some places, I remember when I was in school, they would check your spine. 我想他们不会再这么做了. 但是当一个病人带着这样的诊断来到你的办公室,你看到的是什么?

    Dr. 斯皮尔斯: 好问题. 它通常是由儿科医生发现的. 通常他们会让孩子身体前倾, 就像他们试图伸展腿筋,触摸脚趾一样, and they're looking for the ribs to be asymmetric or one being more prominent than the other. 这通常会触发x光检查. 有时儿科医生会在转诊前开具处方, 有时候你来大发娱乐诊所的时候大发娱乐也会给你. 但实际上,诊断是通过x光来评估脊柱形状来确认的.


    面试官: 好吧. 和一般, 儿科医生做了第一步, 这就是他们参与的结束? Is that when they would normally recommend that the patient go to see a specialist such as yourself?

    Dr. 斯皮尔斯: 是的. 这取决于x光的结果? 这是一条非常小的曲线, so if you have a very mild scoliosis or something less than 10 degrees when we start doing measurements on the X-ray, 大发娱乐甚至不称之为脊柱侧凸. 他们通常称之为脊柱不对称, and often the pediatrician will take note of that and will often watch it themselves because it's not something that needs to be followed. 十分之一的人的脊柱弯曲度很小,小于10度. 所以它非常常见,不需要治疗. Bigger curves, where we're now getting into the true definition of scoliosis, get referred to us.

    面试官: 好吧. So, 一般, 这就是你看到的人, 脊椎弯曲度超过10度的人.

    Dr. 斯皮尔斯: 是的. 完全.

    面试官: 是的. 好吧. 然后当一个病人来到你的办公室超过10度的弯曲, 总的来说,你看到的情况有多严重? 一般是相当严重,还是不太严重? 比如大发娱乐的范围是多少?

    Dr. 斯皮尔斯: 是的. 我的意思是,大发娱乐可以看到从11,12度到100度的所有东西. 大多数都很小. 大约2%的人的曲线在11到20度之间, so a fairly small curve that usually doesn't require treatment and doesn't really have any long-term effects. 但肯定有一些孩子和青少年的曲率要大得多.

    面试官: 好吧. 所以你可能会看到一个人的曲率是10到20度, 即便如此, 然后你会说, “这是大发娱乐将密切关注的事情. 现在没什么好担心的.这是真的吗??

    Dr. 斯皮尔斯: 是的. 完全. 比如脊柱侧凸的治疗, 或者说大发娱乐看待问题的方式, is really trying to decide how big the curve is and what is the risk that the curve could get bigger with time.


    面试官: We'll get to some of the treatment options and some common questions people might have about that in a second. 但是在这一点上, I'd 就像 to know if you do diagnose a curvature that is something that you think needs treatment, 不治疗脊柱侧凸的潜在后果是什么?

    Dr. 斯皮尔斯: 对此有很多长期的研究, 看看脊柱侧凸的自然历史. We know that there are small curves that stay small throughout your whole life and have little to no effect. We know there are some curves that tend to get bigger throughout your life and can go on to have some effect as they continue to create more and more curving of the spine or more and more deformity. 所以这取决于你属于哪个阵营. 如果你有一个小的曲线,它不太可能进步, 它可能不会去任何地方, and you may just have a small little curve of your spine your whole life and it has very little effect.

    面试官: 我相信,对于一个刚刚接受诊断的病人来说,这是令人安心的. For the curves that are more substantial, what is the potential repercussion of not treating that?

    Dr. 斯皮尔斯: 值得关注的是,它会在你的一生中变得越来越大. 我认为大发娱乐做的研究越来越多, 大发娱乐知道曲线, 当它们进入40到50度的范围, 似乎在你的一生中变得越来越大. 有些孩子有40度的弯曲, 如果它在你的一生中持续发展, 能每年增加一两个学位吗, 在你十几岁和二十几岁的时候, 它可能会一直很小. 但当你成年时,它可能是一个相当大的曲线. 这些曲线最终需要进一步的手术干预.

    面试官: 这条曲线对一个人的生活有什么影响?

    Dr. 斯皮尔斯: 部分取决于曲线的位置, 如果是在胸椎, 的mid-back, 腰椎, 或者腰背. 但它会造成胸壁的畸形,以及肩膀的不对称. 如果它变得很大,它确实会开始影响你的心脏和肺. 这通常是更大的曲线,在75度以上的范围内. 但如果曲线变大,它可能会开始影响其他事情.

    面试官: Do you ever have patients that come in that have children who have a substantial curve that choose not to do treatment? 他们的理由是什么呢?

    Dr. 斯皮尔斯: 偶尔会发生. 它可以是多因素的. 脊柱侧凸有不同的类型. 现在, 大发娱乐主要讨论的是所谓的青少年特发性脊柱侧凸, 脊柱侧凸发生在青春期前, 不知什么原因,在十几岁的时候. 特发性的意思是大发娱乐不知道是什么引起的. 如果你患有神经肌肉疾病还有其他类型的脊柱侧凸, 比如脑瘫和其他疾病. 有时大发娱乐有大的曲线, 而且孩子有其他健康问题,可能不会有手术的风险, 你知道, 大发娱乐想在那个时候做的事情. 我觉得自己和大多数健康的人一样, 孩子们除了脊柱弯曲没有其他健康问题, most people recommend and proceed with surgery just because the long-term risks of avoiding it can become more severe.


    面试官: 您的脊柱侧弯治疗理念是什么? 所以一个病人来了,看起来需要某种治疗. 你是怎么做到的?

    Dr. 斯皮尔斯: 是的. 首先大发娱乐要确保每个人都理解脊柱侧凸是什么. 我会坐下来,和病人及家属一起看x光片. I show them the X-rays, I show them how we do the measurements so they kind of see what I'm seeing. And then once we decide that this is a bigger curve and that the curve's 就像ly to get bigger, 然后大发娱乐讨论不同的治疗方案, 把所有选项都看一遍, 权衡所有的风险和收益, 然后达成共同协议, 你知道, 小组决策, “嘿, 此时此刻, 大发娱乐认为这是最好的选择.“这就是大发娱乐前进的方向.


    面试官: 是的. I understand some of the options could include physical therapy, bracing, or maybe even surgery. 我把所有的可能性都包括了吗? And then how do you kind of systematically go through which one is going to apply to a particular patient?

    Dr. 斯皮尔斯: 是的. 选择取决于曲线的大小, 曲线的大小, 孩子还能长多少, because we know that one of the main risk factors for a curve getting bigger is residual growth, 那么一个孩子会多长多少呢? 他们剩下的增长越多,曲线就越有可能变大. 这两个因素,它有多大,还有多大的增长空间. 大发娱乐如何决定大发娱乐真正要做什么取决于它.

    较小的曲线, 你知道, 25到40度,孩子还在发育, 大发娱乐的目标是阻止曲线变大. 这就是大发娱乐考虑支撑和物理治疗的时候.


    对于大于45到50度的大弯曲,支撑没有被证明是有效的. 如果孩子还有很大的成长空间, 然后大发娱乐开始讨论手术程序和手术干预, 不管这是不是一个节省融合的过程, 就像 an anterior vertebral body tethering or a fusion to correct the deformity and prevent it from worsening.

    面试官: 然后治疗需要多长时间? I'm going to assume that it depends, again, on the curvature of the spine, but give me that range.


    Dr. 斯皮尔斯: 完全. 如果大发娱乐进行非手术治疗, we go until they're done growing because that's when the risk of it continuing to worsen kind of decreases. 这取决于你什么时候开始? If I have an 11-year-old boy and we're trying to brace, that may be a longer course of bracing. Whereas, 你知道, if you have a 13-year-old girl, then maybe a shorter course of bracing.


    面试官: What are the types of reactions that the children and their parents have when you do tell them about their diagnosis?

    Dr. 斯皮尔斯: 哦,变化很大. 有些家庭中有很多人患有脊柱侧凸. 他们似乎已经知道了演习,他们已经做好了准备.

    The hardest ones are the families who show up, and have a more sizable curve, 30, 40, 50 degrees. 他们两周前还不知道它在那里. 他们刚做了x光检查. 现在他们在看x光片, 这是一条大曲线, 还有一点令人震惊的因素, 我认为这是完全可以理解的,甚至是意料之中的, 你知道, 像…, “人, 两周前,我还以为自己是个完全正常的11岁孩子. 现在你又说我的脊椎都扭了."

    面试官: 正确的. 我可能得戴牙套了.

    Dr. 斯皮尔斯: 而且我可能得戴个支架. 大括号响应肯定是它自己的东西,对吧? Wearing braces on teeth in society is very normal for preadolescents and teenagers, the preteens. 每个人都戴牙套. 这是正常的. But now someone showing up to school potentially wearing a brace under their clothes is a little more scary for kids, 我认为这也是非常合理的, 大发娱乐有点期待.


    面试官: 是的. What are some of the common misconceptions that you find that people have when it comes to scoliosis, 要么是病情,要么是治疗方法?

    Dr. 斯皮尔斯: 是的. 不管治疗方法如何,许多人都有特定的担忧. 说到支架,你知道,孩子会戴支架吗? 这个支架多少钱? 我要戴多少护具才能有效? And then the other one is, what if the curve keeps getting worse even though I'm wearing the brace? 显然,对手术的担忧是,“你在给我十几岁的孩子做背部手术. 我知道住在我对面的朋友做了背部手术,他们非常痛苦. 我的女儿或儿子会在痛苦中度过余生吗? 他们所有的动作都被剥夺了,他们会像板一样僵硬吗?“这些都是大发娱乐得到的非常常见的反应.

    面试官: What is the most important thing that you would 就像 listeners to know about this condition or the scoliosis treatment and take away from our conversation?

    Dr. 斯皮尔斯: I try to emphasize to families and to patients that most of the time we can avoid surgery, that we can get your child to be able to live a very normal and functional life in the long run. 即使他们属于罕见的需要手术的类别,这也不是生命的终结. 你知道吗,我有些病人还在骑牛仔竞技,参加竞技运动. And this is something that we can get your child through, and they can still live a very normal life.