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Toughing Out the Teenage Years

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Toughing Out the Teenage Years

Sep 08, 2015

青少年正变得越来越独立,这可能导致他们与父母发生冲突. In this podcast, Dr. Cindy Gellner给出了一些与你的孩子保持健康和尊重的关系的有用建议. 她谈到了如何在孩子的自由和隐私与家庭规则和期望之间取得平衡. 她还大发娱乐提供了一些建议,告诉你在与青少年发生分歧时不要做什么.

Episode Transcript

Dr. Gellner: So you've got a teenager in your home now. Congratulations. How do you deal with normal teenage rebellion? I'm Dr. Cindy Gellner and I've got some tips for you today on The Scope.

Announcer: Keep your kids healthy and happy. You are now entering the Healthy Kids Zone with Dr. Cindy Gellner on The Scope.

Dr. Gellner: During adolescence teens work on becoming more independent, but before he can develop an adult relationship with his parents, 一个青少年必须首先从他过去与父母的关系中分离出来. That doesn't always go easy. 这通常意味着会有很多正常的反叛和反抗. Emotions run high and mood swings are common. 这场叛乱持续了大约两年,但持续长达六年的情况并不罕见.

So how do you deal with your teenager's rebellion? First, you want to treat your teenager as an adult friend. By the time your child is 12 years old, 当你的孩子长大成人后,你想和他们建立一种你想和他们建立的关系, 对待他们,就像你希望他们成年后对待你一样.

大发娱乐的目标是相互尊重,相互支持,共同享受乐趣. Strive for a relaxed casual conversation during times together. Use praise and trust to help build self-esteem, 通过倾听和不带偏见的评论来了解孩子的感受. 记住,倾听并不意味着你不需要解决孩子的问题.

Next, avoid criticism about no-win topics. 大多数负面的父母/青少年关系都是因为父母对他们的孩子批评太多而开始的. 穿着、说话和行为都与成年人不同,这有助于你的孩子感到独立于你. 你的孩子可能会喜欢做他们朋友做的事情,而不一定是你做的事情. This is an important step in your teen's development.

Try not to attack your teenager's choices in clothing, hairstyle, music, room decorations, use of free time, use of money, and speech. 这并不意味着要隐瞒你对这些话题的个人观点, but rather allowing your teen to rebel in these harmless areas. 这通常会阻碍一些重要领域的测试,比如毒品、逃学或偷窃. 只有当你的孩子的行为有害时,才介入并尝试做出改变, illegal, or infringes on your house rules.

另一个常见的错误是批评孩子的情绪或态度. 消极或懒惰的态度只能通过好榜样和表扬来改变. 你在非传统行为上纠缠得越多,它们就会持续得越久.

你可以让社会的规则和后果教导家庭之外的责任. Your teenager must learn from trial and error. 在实验过程中,他们将学会为自己的决定和行为负责. 只有当你的孩子要做一些危险或非法的事情时才大声说出来. Otherwise, you must rely on the teen's own self-discipline, pressure from their friends to behave responsibly, 以及他们从自己行为的后果中学到的教训.

City curfew laws will help control late hours. 学校对准时的要求会大发娱乐你的孩子在晚上得到足够的睡眠. 学校成绩会让你的孩子对家庭作业和学校的其他方面负责, such as extracurricular activities and sports. If your teen has bad work habits, they'll lose their job. If your teenager makes a poor choice of friends, they may find confidences broken or get into trouble. 如果他们不努力练习一项运动,他们会受到团队和教练的压力,要求他们做得更好. 如果他们乱花零用钱或收入,他们很快就没钱了. 在离开家之前,青少年需要大量的机会从自己的错误中吸取教训,在没有父母支持的情况下解决问题.

With regards to house rules, 你有权利和责任为你的房子和其他财产制定规则. You pay the rent, you make the rules. A teen's choices can be tolerated within their own room, but they need not be imposed on for the rest of the house. For example, 你可以禁止吵闹的音乐干扰他人的活动,也可以禁止在晚上10点以后接电话.

而你应该让孩子的朋友在家里感到受欢迎, 明确家里聚会和活动的基本规则. 你的孩子可以负责打扫自己的房间和洗衣服. 违反家规的合理后果包括丢失电话, TV, stereo, and car privileges if your child is driving. 如果你的孩子弄坏了什么东西,他应该修理它,或者花钱修理或更换. If he makes a mess, he should clean it up. 如果你的孩子在学校表现不好,你可以限制看电视的时间. 你还可以限制电话特权和工作日外出. 如果你的孩子在外面呆得太晚,或者迟到了也不给你打电话,你可以让他们禁足. Remember, in general, 超过几天的禁足被认为是不公平的,而且作为家长很难强制执行.

Give your teenager who is in a bad mood his space. 一般来说,当一个青少年心情不好的时候,他们不会想和你谈论这件事. 如果青少年想和任何人讨论问题,通常是他们的朋友,而不是他们的父母. 总的来说,最好给你的孩子足够的空间和隐私.

Some talking back is normal. 大发娱乐希望大发娱乐的青少年通过谈话来表达他们的愤怒,并挑战大发娱乐的观点, but in logical ways. We need to listen. Let go of the small stuff. 这只是口头上的,但不要接受不尊重的话,比如叫你混蛋. 与消极的态度不同,这些刻薄的话不应该被忽视. You can respond with a comment like, “当你让我失望或不回答我的问题时,我真的很伤心." Make your statement without anger, if possible. 如果你的孩子继续说一些令人不愉快的话,离开房间. Don't get into a shouting match with your teenager. 这种行为在外部关系中是不被接受的,也不会让你走得太远.

By working on developing a healthy relationship with your teen, you both can survive this difficult transition period.

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