
你正在听的是 谁在乎男人的健康?:



Troy heard a tear in his leg after tripping during a run. 独自. 离他的车有8英里. 在圣拉斐尔海湾. He shares his story of a trail running injury and some tips for treating and recovering from sports injuries. Also—what to do if you get electrocuted. 你的饮食可能真的会杀死你.


This content was originally created for audio. Some elements such as tone, sound effects, and music can be hard to translate to text. As such, the following is a summary of the episode and has been edited for clarity. For the full experience, we encourage you to subscribe and listen— it's more fun that way.

Dr. Madsen Suffers a Bad Trip Alone On a Run

Dr. Troy Madsen is an avid trail runner and recently suffered a major fall while on a run in the San Rafael Swell. He tripped after catching his toe on a rock and immediately felt a tear in his hamstring, 他觉得脚趾骨折了。, 他的手被擦伤了. He found himself eight miles from his car and all alone. 他做了什么?? 更重要的是,什么 应该 他做了?

If you find yourself injured and alone you 应该 do the following:

  • Call for help if you have cell service.
  • 如果可能的话,等待别人.
  • If you are all alone and need to get back to safety, take it easy on your injured leg. Do what feels comfortable and limp back.

And some tips for common running injuries:

  • If you have broken a toe, there is no need to go to the ER. Tape the broken toe to the toe next to it and take it easy.
  • 你不需要用冰敷扭伤. While it may seem like a common practice, research shows that icing a sprain does very little for healing. If it makes the injury feel better, feel free to ice it, but there is no rush to get ice on it.

Remember, the Road to Recovery is a Long One

在经历了像特洛伊那样的运动损伤之后, it may take quite a while to get back to the same level of activity. Whether it be a repetitive stress injury, 或者扭伤或骨折, recovering from an injury can take a long time. You need to allow yourself time to heal. Otherwise, you could hurt yourself more.

After an injury, you feel like you've been set back. 例如, you may not be able to run a seven-minute mile for a while, 这可能令人沮丧. Instead of focusing on what you could do before the injury, remind yourself of why you were doing the physical activity in the first place and why you want to keep doing it. Is it an activity you do to improve your health? Do you like the time it gives you to think? 它给你带来快乐吗?


Perhaps you've been doing some home improvement and forgot to turn off the breaker, or accidentally put something in an outlet, 你感到了震动, 但你感觉很好. 你应该去急诊室吗.

The definitive answer: you absolutely need to go to the ER.

任何程度的电击, 哪怕是被窃听器咬了一小口, 会引起你的心脏问题吗. That small jolt you felt in your hand may have interfered with your cardiovascular system and caused an irregular rhythm.

去医院. 做心电图. It's better to catch the potential damage caused by any amount of electrocution early.

Poor Diet is Linked to 20% of 所有 Deaths Worldwide

A recent Time Magazine article citing new research from the Lancet points to poor diet causing one in five of all deaths in the world. 这比吸烟还严重.

The number one risk factor of poor diet is eating too much high sodium and trans fats. A diet high in sodium and trans fat diet is one of the leading factors in stroke, 心脏病, 心脏病发作, 还有高血压.

Be sure to watch your intake of salty and fatty foods to lower your risk of these health problems.

The second highest risk factor was linked to not eating enough nutritious foods. 这些食物包括:

  • 全谷物
  • 坚果
  • 种子
  • 不饱和脂肪
  • 豆类
  • 水果和蔬菜

Eating these foods can lead to a lower risk of diabetes, cardiovascular issues, and diabetes. But most people in the world just aren't eating enough. Here are some simple tips to help you increase how many servings of these healthy foods in your diet:

  • 重新构建你的饮食观念. Tell yourself that you are adding healthy foods to your diet, rather than thinking you are depriving yourself of junk food.


  • 让它变得方便. 保持健康的食物,比如坚果, 水果, and vegetables around your house and office so they're easy to eat rather than getting something from a drive-thru or a vending machine.


  • 不要戒掉所有的碳水化合物. 全谷物对你有好处. Cutting those carbs completely doesn't necessarily help you lose weight and deprives you of some nutritious fiber and nutrients your body needs.


  • 多吃坚果. Only 12% of people are eating as many nuts as they 应该. Get them around your house and start eating them today!


自己阅读研究报告: Poor Diets Are Linked to 20% of 所有 Deaths Worldwide


在这一集 把这个留在大发娱乐, Scot speaks about the importance of preparing for an annual physical and Troy is excited for a new test for chlamydia and gonorrhea that will help him treat people in the ER.


If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts, email us at hello@thescoperadio.com.


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