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6 .睡眠追踪器


Does that expensive 睡眠 tracker on your wrist work? 可能不是. At least, not the way you think it does. 睡眠专家 Dr. 凯利男爵 shares her professional opinion on 睡眠 devices. 也, what to do if you step on a rusty nail, it’s all downhill at age 27, and a new video game addiction recognized by WHO.

Episode Transcript

This content was originally created for audio. 有些元素,如音调、音效和音乐,可能很难翻译成文本. 因此,以下是这一集的摘要,并为清晰起见进行了编辑. 为了获得完整的体验,大发娱乐鼓励你订阅并收听——那样会更有趣.

Does Your Sleep Tracker Actually Work?

Do you use some device to track your 睡眠? Ever wondered about how accurate the graphs and scores are? Dr. 凯利·巴龙(Kelly Batron)是一名专攻睡眠医学的临床心理学家. 她一直在对这些设备进行研究,并分享了她对睡眠追踪器的专业意见.

Sleep Gadgets Are Not the Same as a Sleep Study

Dr. Baron likes 睡眠 tech. 她喜欢它让人们对自己的睡眠感兴趣,并积极尝试改善睡眠. 但当谈到它们产生的结果时,她觉得它们可能会带来更多的压力.

许多睡眠设备会给你一个“漂亮的图表”,不仅显示你睡了多长时间, but the 睡眠 stages as well. 不幸的是,这些读数并没有很多基于研究的证据.

事实上,这些图表大发娱乐提供的数据通常与医学睡眠研究中发现的数据完全不同. A 睡眠 study uses electrodes placed on the patients scalp. 医生将通过脑电图或脑电波读数来确定一个人是否处于快速眼动睡眠(REM)状态. 睡眠医生通常会看到短周期的快速眼动在夜间缓慢增加——这是大多数睡眠设备无法显示的模式.

很多设备往往高估或低估了不同类型的睡眠. 例如,如果你的设备告诉你,你没有得到足够的深度睡眠,这可能是正常的. 许多男人随着年龄的增长,晚上很少甚至没有深度睡眠,这很正常. 此外, if you go to a doctor because you aren't getting enough deep 睡眠, you may be out of luck. There is no medical intervention to increase deep 睡眠.

Use Your Gadgets as "Time in Bed Monitors"

据博士说. Baron, these 睡眠 devices work best as "time in bed monitors." We're all guilty of staying up past our bedtimes. 无论是在Netflix上再看一部剧,还是完成最后一点工作. Those small indulgences are holding you back from a good night's 睡眠.

20分钟. 多睡20分钟就能真正改善你的健康状况. 早一点上床睡觉与降低血压有关, improving alertness, and increasing physical performance.

Dr. 在过去的四年里,巴伦一直在使用睡眠追踪器作为她研究的一部分. What did she find from all that time of tracking? That if she stayed up past 10:30pm, she'd be tired the next day.

Instead of relying on the specific 睡眠 stages, 用你的设备来记录你的睡眠时间,并设定一个目标,每天晚上睡得更多. 比起为不可靠的睡眠阶段的细枝末节而感到压力,这对你的健康更有好处.

The Gadgets Can Still Be Good and Are Getting Better

随着技术的不断进步,大发娱乐可能有一天会有一个理想的睡眠应用程序. One that uses things like oxygen sensors, 温度计, and heart monitors to make the readings more reliable. As well as new algorithms based on real 睡眠 research. 未来的睡眠设备可能能够大发娱乐诊断睡眠呼吸暂停和其他严重问题. But right now, the tech isn't there.

因此,你的睡眠追踪器可能并不像设备制造商声称的那样准确, 但它们仍然是一个很好的工具,可以用来改善你的健康. Dr. 巴伦解释说,获得更好睡眠的最好方法是改善你与睡眠的精神关系. 睡眠追踪器是一个很好的方法,可以让人们思考自己的睡眠,并将这个习惯游戏化,让它变得有趣.


ER or Not: Stepped on a Rusty Nail

Maybe you were out hiking or doing some construction work on your home, but you have managed to step on a rusty nail. Should you rush to the emergency room? Troy says there's two major things to consider:

First, when was the last time you had your tetanus booster? 破伤风非常严重,这是医生在这种情况下最关心的问题. 如果你有一点不确定在过去的五年中是否接种过破伤风疫苗,那就去看医生吧. It's better to be safe than sorry.

其次, with any injury that pierces through a shoe, doctor's are concerned about a bacterial infection. 有一种特别讨厌的细菌叫做假单胞菌,它生活在温暖潮湿的环境中,比如你的鞋子. 你的医生可能会开一个疗程的抗生素来防止感染的形成.

While the risk for tetanus and infection is serious, stepping on a nail doesn't require immediate treatment. 受伤后24小时内可以在诊所或instacare进行治疗. No need to rush to the ER unless the injury itself is serious.

Study Shows Health Begins to Decline at Age 27. 真的.

When does the average person's health really start declining? 50岁? 也许40? 蓝十字蓝盾公司的一项新研究表明,大多数人的健康状况从27岁开始下降. 这意味着你现在形成的健康习惯会对以后产生影响.

The study looked at insured individuals between the ages of 21-36, looking for any trends in health conditions. They found increases in a few serious conditions starting at age 27:

  • Type 2 Diabetes increased by 22%
  • Heart disease including hypertension and high cholesterol increased 15%
  • Major depression cases increased by 31%

These increases can be caused by weight gain, a lack of activity, 以及其他不良的健康习惯,这些习惯往往是在成年期生活的重大变化中形成的. The good news is that most of these conditions are not permanent. 生活方式的改变和寻求专业大发娱乐对改善大有大发娱乐.

该研究还发现,83%的受访者实际上认为自己身体健康. This perception is quite different than the reality. Knowing the reality of your health is vital to your longevity. Much like the "turning point" wake-up calls shared in this show, speak with your doctor, 运行测试, and start caring about your health.

最后,研究发现,心理健康问题约占报告的所有疾病的40%. When you're looking at your health, don't neglect your mental wellbeing. Don't be embarrassed to talk about it or seek help, even if it's just an inkling that something feels off. Most insurance plans and some employers provide mental health support. Take advantage of it. Your mental health is worth taking care of.

If you'd like to read the study yourself: Millennial Health - The Decline Starts at 27

Just Going to Leave This Here

在这一集 Just Going to Leave This Here, 斯考特抱怨男厕所太安静了,而特洛伊也患上了世界卫生组织认定的一种新疾病.

世界卫生组织(WHO)最近将“游戏障碍”确定为一种新的诊断条件. 这种诊断描述的是那些长期沉迷于电子游戏的人. 患有游戏障碍的人发现他们的游戏习惯会干扰他们完成日常任务的能力, impacts their relationships, 睡眠, and performance in school and work. 世界卫生组织要求这些成瘾倾向必须持续一年以上才能被视为游戏障碍.

美国精神病学协会尚未正式确定游戏障碍或将其纳入他们的DSM. 然而,世卫组织的报告有望推动对潜在治疗方法的进一步调查.

如果你有任何上瘾的行为,即使是电子游戏,也没什么好笑的. Seek professional help.


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