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If a trucker can turn their diet around, what’s your excuse? Culinary medicine specialist Dr. Doxey说Keep. It. 简单的. 今天就按照简单的指南和策略吃得更健康,这将改善你的心脏健康,大发娱乐你减肥.


This content was originally created for audio. 有些元素,如音调、音效和音乐,可能很难翻译成文本. 因此,以下是这一集的摘要,并为清晰起见进行了编辑. 为了获得完整的体验,大发娱乐鼓励你订阅并收听——那样会更有趣.

A Young Doctor's Turning Point

Dr. Rich Doxey是犹他健康大学内科诊所的烹饪医学专家和医生. 他是一名年轻的医生,在本科学习期间决定开始认真对待自己的健康问题.

Rich had no medical problems at the time, 但在阅读了一本关于营养学的书之后,他开始控制自己的健康. He had read about how food interacts with your genes and your body. 他了解到,你吃进体内的食物会产生化学变化,就像药物一样, so nutrition needs to be taken seriously.

He swapped out frozen burritos and occasional 快 food, 新鲜水果, 蔬菜, 坚果和全谷物. He soon was cooking his own meals from scratch every day.



Dr. Doxey早期对自己饮食的兴趣使他进入医学院后走上了一条道路. 他强烈希望从事“生活方式医学”,不仅仅是治疗和预防病人的疾病, but teaches them how to take control of their own health.

在医学院或这个新的医学领域,没有太多的选择, but that changed in residency. Dr. Doxey searched online and found Dr. Timothy 哈伦, a doctor running a website called "Dr. 美食.它的重点是通过改变饮食习惯来治疗严重的健康问题,并将食物视为药物. Dr. Doxey was inspired and after a bit of work, 他来到新奥尔良,成为第一个在Dr. 哈伦.

Dr. Doxey would work in the New Orlean's teaching kitchen, 开办烹饪课程,向社区成员传授烹饪健康菜肴的技能和营养知识,使其具有成本效益, 快, and - most importantly - delicious. 他将把他在新奥尔良学到的烹饪医学技巧带回犹他州,并将其应用到他的实践中.

The Mediterranean Diet is One of the Best Diets

For patients looking to change their diet, Dr. Doxey将从24小时的饮食史开始,以了解患者已经吃了什么. 然后,他给他们开出一到两个小改变,大发娱乐他们改善生活方式.

He makes his recommendations based on science and research. And he has found that the Mediterranean Diet is the most researched, most evidence based diet strategy, 显示心脏健康的显著改善,并促进减肥.

The second most effective diet is a vegan-whole food plant based diet, 但他发现,对大多数病人来说,要维持如此剧烈的日常饮食习惯变化是非常困难的.


  1. Eat a lot of fruits, 蔬菜, and whole grains
  2. Eat fish a couple times a week
  3. Use more unsaturated fats than saturated fats
  4. Limit dairy and red meat to less than a serving a day
  5. Consume only a moderate amount of alcohol

How to Overcome the Biggest Barriers to Changing Your Diet

Dr. Doxey说,他的病人采用更健康的饮食有三个主要障碍:时间, 成本, 还有持久力. 他解释了每一种挑战对病人的努力以及如何克服它们.




  • Time - Time is the biggest challenge to dietary changes. 买食材和自己做饭似乎会占用你一天中的很多时间, especially if you have a busy job or kids to take care of. 但Doxey坚持认为,如果你真的把自己做饭的时间和出去吃饭的时间进行比较, the difference in negligible. By the time you drive to a restaurant, 坐下来, 等待上菜, 支付账单, 然后开车回家, you could have cooked dinner at home. 秘诀是让你的饭菜简单,这样就不用花很多时间准备.
  • 成本 每周购买新鲜农产品和天然食品似乎比加工食品花费更多, 但这不是必须的. Doxey repeats to "keep it simple.“不要只买那些昂贵的、包装精美的所谓超级食品. 坚持基本原则. The staples of a healthy diet will be legumes and brown rice. Buy them in bulk and they won't hurt your wallet. 另外,学会把一道菜的食材换到另一道菜上,把剩下的食物吃掉,这样可以最大限度地减少食物浪费. Less food waste means less wasted money. Do it right and cooking at home can 成本 much less than eating out.
  • 持久力 -健康饮食的第一周可能有点挑战,但是可行的. It's the second, third, seventh week where willpower can falter. Dr. Doxey suggest you commit and get social support. Get your spouse, partner, or friends onboard with your healthier diet.

Dr. Doxey在烹饪医学方面的背景告诉他,如果病人有能力烹饪,所有这些障碍都可以更容易地克服. Watch some videos online, take a cooking course. 你吃得更健康的能力最好是通过一些快速制作健康食品的培训,让健康食品尝起来美味.

If a Truck Driver Can Do It, So Can You

博士之一. Doxey's success stories came from a trucker. The truck driving lifestyle sure doesn't make healthy living easy. Long hours of the day are spent sitting behind a wheel. Fast food and quick bites at gas stations are the norm. It can be tough to stay in shape.

这个病人来找医生. Doxey after getting some blood work test results back. 他处于糖尿病的早期阶段,由于开车和吃路上吃的食物,体重增加了100多磅. 如果他的糖尿病进展, he would have to start taking insulin, which would mean he couldn't drive anymore. 他发现自己不仅处于健康危机之中,而且有丢掉工作的危险. It was time to make a change.

By adopting the tenants of the mediterranean diet and following Dr. Doxey的营养建议,这个卡车司机扭转了局面. 在几个月的时间里,他的体重开始明显减轻. His diabetes marker dropped 0.6 points, which kept him in a healthy range. 在改变饮食习惯之后, he prevented himself from developing full diabetes, kept himself from needing insulin, 他保住了他的工作.

For the rest of us, this story should serve as inspiration. 大发娱乐大多数人并不是一天中大部分时间都被困在卡车的方向盘后面, eating nothing but road food. If a trucker can get their diet and health on track, so can you.

First Steps to Improving Your Diet

Dr. Doxey likes to keep things simple when it comes to diet. Cook simple meals that are cheap and don't take much time. Stick to the handful of rules of the mediterranean diet. His strategy for improving a patient's diet are straight forward too.

首先,评估你所处的位置. Write down everything you ate over the past 24 hours. No need for a month's worth of logging food. Just remember the last few meals, snacks, drinks, etc. 把它们写下来. 仔细看看你在吃什么,看看是否有什么需要改变的.

接下来,开始在你的下一餐中做一两个小的“一致的”饮食改变. Dr. Doxey解释说,“一致的改变”是指与你已经喜欢吃的饮食习惯和食物保持一致.

从午餐吃芝士汉堡和薯条到吃一小份鹰嘴豆泥和胡萝卜条几乎是不可能的. 保持简单. Make small changes and build on them.

Go from eating a cheeseburger and fries, to a hamburger with lots of 蔬菜 and sweet potato fries. Next, replace those sweet potato fries with a baked sweet potatoes. Eventually swap out that hamburger to a chicken sandwich. 缓慢而坚定, these small congruent changes build up, 没有一夜之间切换到传统的健康食品的冲击.

"Don't go whole hog on your diet," says Dr. Doxey, "It makes it impossible to maintain."

Just Going to Leave This Here

在这一集 Just Going to Leave This Here斯考特已经向一次性塑料宣战,事实证明这比他想象的要难. 特洛伊对一项新的研究感到震惊,该研究显示与鳄梨有关的刀伤激增. 真的. 自2013年以来,急诊医生发现牛油果刀伤增加了10倍.


If you have any questions, comments, or thoughts, email us at hello@thescoperadio.com.