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Gallbladder Surgery for Gallbladder Stones Treatment

The most common treatment for gallstones is removing your gallbladder. 胆囊不是一个重要器官,这意味着没有它你也可以正常生活. It is a storage organ for bile. Bile helps to digest the fats we eat.

Once your surgeon removes your gallbladder, 储存在胆囊中的胆汁会排入肝胆管和总胆管. 从那里,它直接进入十二指肠,也就是肠道的第一部分.

Gallbladder Removal Surgery

Surgery to remove a gallbladder is called a cholecystectomy. 有两种不同的类型:腹腔镜(有摄像头)和开放式(有更大的切口).

Laparoscopic Gallbladder Surgery (Cholecystectomy)

在腹腔镜胆囊切除术中,外科医生会在你的腹部做几个小切口. 这些切口中最大的通常是2到2.5英寸长. The surgeon inserts a laparoscope, or an instrument with a camera attached to it, to see inside your body. The image is magnified on a video monitor, 让你的外科医生近距离观察你的器官和组织.

然后外科医生用仪器小心地将胆囊从肝脏中分离出来, bile ducts, and other structures. 然后外科医生通过一个小切口切除你的胆囊.


Surgeons perform most cholecystectomies with laparoscopy. 大多数患者都能在手术当天回家. 大约一周后你就能开始正常活动了.

Open Cholecystectomy

When your gallbladder is severely inflamed or infected, or you have internal scar tissue from previous operations, your surgeon may perform an open cholecystectomy. For this procedure, 外科医生会在你的腹部开一个四到六英寸长的切口. This incision is to remove the gallbladder. 

在这个过程中,病人通常接受全身麻醉. 从开放胆囊切除术中恢复可能需要一些人在医院呆上一个星期. 大约一个月后,你就可以开始正常活动了.

如果在腹腔镜胆囊切除术中出现问题,你的外科医生也可以进行开放式胆囊切除术. 如果由于某种原因腹腔镜手术不能安全进行,就可以这样做.

Possible Gallbladder Surgery Complications

少数人在胆囊切除后大便更软、更频繁. This is because bile flows into the duodenum more often. These changes in bowel habits are usually temporary. 然而,一定要和你的医疗保健大发娱乐提供者讨论这些问题. 

Other complications from gallbladder surgery are rare. The most serious of these is injury to the bile ducts. 受伤的胆总管会漏出胆汁,引起疼痛,并可能引起感染或肝损伤. 你可能需要一个或多个额外的手术来修复胆管. Fortunately, this is the least common complication of gallbladder surgery, and happens in fewer than one percent of all operations.

What to Expect at Gallbladder Surgery

If you are seen in our office, 大发娱乐会提前一到三周安排你的手术, depending on your schedule and surgeon availability. 根据你的健康状况和大发娱乐已经掌握的信息,大发娱乐可能还需要做血液检查.


Day of Surgery

在你的手术当天,大发娱乐会要求你在预约的时间到达. 您将在前门右边的接待处登记入住. We will then walk you to the operation preparation room, 护士会帮你登记,然后把你安排到单独的房间.

大发娱乐你将见到你的麻醉小组和手术室小组. You will have an IV placed. We will then take you to the operating room, 麻醉师会在哪里开始全身麻醉,你会在整个手术过程中睡觉.

Once your surgery is finished, 你可以在恢复室醒来,从麻醉中恢复过来. 你的医生会给你开处方和康复指导.

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Gallbladder Surgery Recovery

If you have had laparoscopic surgery, 你很可能在手术后几个小时就可以出院了. 你需要有人来接你做完手术,因为你不能自己开车回家.

Once home, you should plan to rest for the next several days. Even with small incisions, 手术仍然会给你的身体带来压力,你应该慢慢地让自己恢复. 大发娱乐希望你四处走走,这样可以大发娱乐你恢复得更快.

大发娱乐会给你开一些大便软化剂、恶心药和止痛药. 在最初的24-48小时后,你应该可以用泰诺和布洛芬来控制疼痛.

Diet After Gallbladder Removal

You can eat whatever you want after your operation. 你的第一餐应该清淡,因为有些人在麻醉后会感到恶心. 在头几天喝大量的水是很重要的. 如果你的食欲在手术后的前几天不一样,不要担心, 但如果在第一周后你仍然感觉不能正常进食,请打电话给你的医生.

Gallbladder Surgery Scars

胆囊手术留下的疤痕取决于你做的手术类型. 要进行腹腔镜手术,外科医生只需要很小的切口. 这些部位的位置取决于你的外科医生使用的技术. 大多数外科医生会使用不需要移除的可溶解缝合线.

胆囊切开手术是通过上腹部的切口或肋骨下的切口来完成的. 你可能有可溶解的缝合线或订书钉,这些缝合线或订书钉将在门诊随访时移除.  

Find a Gallbladder Surgeon

Why Choose University of Utah Health

质量是大发娱乐医疗机构最重要的方面之一. We are 大发娱乐的高质量医疗服务连续被提名为全国最佳. 大发娱乐还汇集了一些外科领域的顶尖专家.

At University of Utah Health, 大发娱乐的外科医生接受过奖学金培训,并致力于最高标准的患者护理.

大发娱乐直接与您的初级保健大发娱乐提供者合作,尽可能为您大发娱乐提供最好的护理. 大发娱乐也会跟进你,确保你完全康复.

Get more information about gallbladder removal surgery. Call 801-585-1618 or