
疗愈 & Recovering after 乳房重建 Procedures

当你有 乳房再造手术 -在乳房切除术后重建乳房或出于其他原因-大发娱乐的专业外科医生将在每一个阶段大发娱乐您. 这包括看着你度过康复期,这样你就可以重新享受日常生活,并对你的结果感到满意.


Your 乳房重建 may include one or more procedures. Your plastic surgeon will help you decide which procedures are best for you. 

  • 乳房组织扩张器放置 — If you choose to have tissue-based/flap or 植入重建啊, your surgeon may place a tissue expander first, 如果这两个过程中的任何一个需要的话. 在最后的重建之前,组织扩张器会逐渐扩张你的胸壁皮肤和/或肌肉. We sometimes put a tissue expander in place at the same time as a mastectomy. 然而, we may also do it as a separate procedure.
  • 组织/皮瓣重建 — 在这个过程中, 你的外科医生会用你身体另一部分的组织来重建你的乳房. 最常见的取组织部位是你的小腹、背部、大腿和臀部.
  • 植入重建啊 — 在这个过程中, your surgeon will use either 生理盐水或硅胶植入物 再造你的乳房. 大发娱乐通常分阶段进行手术,首先需要放置组织扩张器. 然而, 在某些情况下, 大发娱乐可以在乳房切除术后立即植入植入物,使用相同的麻醉剂. 

当你决定或准备接受这些乳房重建手术时, it’s important to know what to expect during healing and recovery.


大多数女性在乳房再造过程中不会出现并发症(问题). 然而, risks that may occur soon after each procedure include:

  • 出血,
  • 感染,
  • 积液(血肿),还有
  • 伤口重开(裂开).



  • 组织扩张器放置手术后第二天你就可以回家了.
  • 组织/皮瓣重建, you will be in the hospital for one to four days after surgery.
  • If we are exchanging your tissue expanders for breast implants, 手术当天你就可以回家.

大发娱乐让你出院之前, 大发娱乐会确保你的疼痛得到控制,并给你开止痛药的处方, 如果需要. If you have 组织扩张器放置 and 组织的重建, 大发娱乐还会给你开抗生素,在你的手术引流管就位时防止感染. 你的手术引流管会让多余的液体远离你的手术区域,并在这两种手术后保持两到三周. Learn more about breast surgical drain care and management after surgery.


After 组织扩张器放置 or your final reconstruction, you may experience the following symptoms:

  • minor swelling and bruising for up to eight weeks,
  • discomfort, muscle spasm, mild to moderate pain,
  • 沿切口线结痂;
  • itching and shooting electrical sensations as nerves heal,
  • numbness or lack of sensitivity for a few months or long term,
  • scar redness, which usually lightens within three to six months
  • 胸闷,还有
  • 上半身无力.

These symptoms are completely normal signs of healing. With a tissue expander in place, you may also have a contour that’s not yet smooth.




You will wear a surgical bra for three to four weeks after surgery if you have 植入重建啊 or 组织的重建 使用阔肌皮瓣.


为 at least three to four weeks after your 乳房重建手术,你应该避免:

  • 剧烈活动,
  • 重复的手臂动作,和
  • lifting, pulling, or pushing anything over 10 pounds. This will help you avoid 出血, bruising, or swelling too much.

As you heal, your surgeon may clear you to:

  • start stretches for your upper body three to four weeks after surgery.
  • gradually return to normal daily activities.
    • 4到6周之后 组织扩张器放置 or 植入重建啊
    • six to eight weeks after 组织的重建
  • 增加剧烈运动.
    • six weeks after 组织扩张器放置 or 植入重建啊
    • six to eight weeks after 组织的重建

Physical Therapy after Mastectomy and Reconstruction

Most people do not need physical therapy during 乳房重建 recovery. 然而, you may start it three to four weeks after surgery, 如果需要.

How to Sleep after 乳房重建 Surgery

为 at least one week after your procedures, you should rest and sleep on your back with extra pillows to prop you up. 这将有助于消肿.

Do not sleep on your stomach until your surgeon says it is okay. If you want to sleep on your side, you should:

  • alternate sides at first to help with any swelling.
  • wait until three to four weeks after surgery or when it is comfortable, 但前提是你的排水管被清除了. 

洗澡 & 洗澡

You can shower daily once you return home from the hospital. 你不应该泡在浴缸里, 池, or hot tub until your incisions (cuts) heal or your surgeon says it is okay.

重返工作岗位 & Driving after 乳房重建 Surgery

在一般情况下, you should not drive until you:

  • are off of any prescription pain medications for at least 24 hours,
  • can safely operate a vehicle in traffic,
  • 如果你有排水管,请把它们移走.

Most people are ready to drive and return to work around:

对于需要繁重的工作,可能需要更长的时间或需要临时限制. 在你开车或重返工作岗位之前,最好在随访中得到医生的批准.

Flying after 乳房重建 Surgery

在组织扩张器放置和乳房重建后,航空旅行通常是安全的. 然而, you should wait until your drains are taken out, if you have them.


How Long Does It Take for Implants to Drop?

If your reconstruction includes breast implants, expect them to settle into place within three months after surgery. 这将是一个渐进的过程.

在一般情况下, 乳房重建后的形状可能与切除前不同. It’s also common for your breasts to feel firmer.

隆胸疤痕 & 乳房再造疤痕

Your scars will start to fade within one to two years. 虽然,他们可能总是很明显. Your surgeon can share ways to help your scars fade and soften.


当外科医生在乳房切除术中切除乳房组织时,这个过程会切断脆弱的神经. Therefore, you may not have normal sensation in your breasts. 大发娱乐可以使用一些重建技术来大发娱乐你重建的乳房恢复感觉. 你的外科医生会和你讨论这些.

后续任命 & 其他的程序


你的外科医生会希望你在组织扩张器放置后的三到四周内每周都能见到你. 通常需要两到三周的时间,大发娱乐才能开始填充组织,逐渐拉伸你的皮肤 乳房重建

在组织扩张器放置后的三到四个月,你可能已经为乳房重建手术的最后阶段做好了准备. 然而,如果你首先需要化疗和/或放射治疗,可能需要更长时间.

After Tissue-Based or Implant-Based Reconstruction

在乳房重建手术后的前两个月,你的外科医生会希望每一到两周见你一次. 在最初的两个月之后,你可能会每年进行一次随访. 

Three months after your 乳房重建, 你可以接受其他的程序来调整你的结果和重建你的乳头, 如果你选择.

Make an Appointment with Our 塑料 Surgeons

We recommend that you consult with a plastic surgeon to discuss 乳房再造手术 在接受乳房切除术之前. 大发娱乐的重点是为您大发娱乐提供所需的知识,大发娱乐您选择最佳的重建治疗方案. 如果你已经做了乳房切除术,大发娱乐也很乐意在这个阶段和你谈谈.

请致电大发娱乐的办公室: 801-581-7719 预约一位专门做乳房再造的整形医生.


Many states require all health insurance providers, 包括医疗补助, to pay for reconstructive surgery after a mastectomy. 大发娱乐将与您的保险公司联系,确定您的资格,并要求批准为您的乳房重建大发娱乐提供保险.



大多数数据表明,患癌风险与表面有纹理的乳房植入物有关,而与表面光滑的乳房植入物无关. 风险很低,到目前为止,在美国只有一小部分使用有纹理植入物的患者被发现患有ALCL. 不过, 出于谨慎,FDA召回了一种特定品牌的纹理植入物.

鉴于最近对发展ALCL的担忧,U of U Health的整形外科部门已经停止使用所有品牌的纹理植入物. 请注意,召回这些植入物并不意味着需要移除植入物. 如果您对召回有任何担忧或疑问,请参阅FDA网站或与您的医生交谈.

为 More Information About the FDA's Ongoing Status on Breast Implants and ALCL


After being diagnosed with breast cancer, Terri Jones had a plan. “When it got to the idea of reconstructive surgery, all I knew is that I didn’t want anything foreign in my body,琼斯说. “我不想移植,我认为这意味着我根本不需要重建.” After speaking to a friend who had breast cancer, 琼斯了解到,在乳房重建方面,有比她想象的更多的选择. This meant she could make a choice right for her.
