

Surgical drains are tubes inserted into the soft tissue of your breast after surgery to help drain excess fluids that build up inside your body. This fluid is normal 和 fills the space where breast tissue was removed during surgery. 如果排水不当, excess fluid will cause misshapen implants, 感染, 还有其他并发症. 

大发娱乐将放置灵活, plastic drains near the surgery site 和 secure them to your skin with stitches. A soft plastic bulb is attached to the end of the tubing, which catches 和 holds excess fluid. The pencil-thin drainage tubes are 14 to 18 inches long.

We will place gauze pads over each drain’s insertion point into your skin so that any leaked drainage is absorbed by the gauze 和 does not stain your clothes. It’s important to keep the area around your drains clean 和 dry to help prevent bacteria from entering your body through the drain holes.

Types Of 乳房手术 That Require Surgical Drains

We will place one to five drains after your procedure, depending on how much breast tissue was removed. Types of breast surgery that require drains during recovery include: 

隆胸(增大) 和 缩胸手术 一般不需要排水管. 

How Long Should A Drain Be Left In After 乳房手术?

Drains are left in until the fluid output reaches a low level. This is usually less than 20-30 cc (cubic centimeters) per day for two consecutive days – about 2 tablespoons. Most drains are removed one to three weeks after surgery. If they stay in longer than three weeks, the risk of infection increases.

Surgical Drain Care After 乳房手术

You will need to regularly empty the bulbs attached to the tubes 和 write down the amount of fluid during your recovery. 在家里,你会:

  • empty drains into the toilet when they become half full (two to four times daily),
  • note the color 和 consistency of the drainage,
  • 用水冲洗空球茎,
  • gently compress the bulb to create a vacuum,
  • close the tubing system by resecuring the bulb to the tubing. 

Before you leave the hospital, a nurse will show you how to do these procedures. At home, have someone help you with the process if possible.

Be careful not to catch your drainage tubing on something 和 accidentally pull it out. Remember to place commonly used items within easy reach or ask someone for help with everyday tasks.

What Color Should Drainage Be After Sugery?

手术后, the fluid that you see in your drainage tubes will become thinner in consistency 和 lighter in color over time. 它应该遵循这样的进程:

  • 又血又浓,
  • 又薄又红(像蔓越莓汁),
  • 稻草色,然后
  • 清晰的.


Surgical drains provide bacteria an access point into your body. 感染的迹象包括:

  • fever with a temperature of 101°F or higher,
  • 排水管周围泛红,
  • 排水管处疼痛加剧,
  • hardness where the drain exits your body,
  • thickening of the drainage fluid (it should become thinner over time), 
  • 没有新的排水系统, 
  • 手术部位肿胀,还有
  • 恶臭排水. 

Infected drainage will look creamy or milky 和 smell bad. If you notice these signs, call your doctor right away.

What Not To Do With Surgical Drains After 乳房手术

  • Do not shower during the first 48 hours after surgery,
  • 不要泡在热水浴缸里,
  • 不要去游泳;
  • 不要举起超过十磅的东西,
  • Do not overexert yourself (rest is key to recovery),
  • 不要开车, 
  • Do not let your pain become greater than a six on the pain scale (take pain medication when it reaches four).

Common concerns for women with breast surgery drains include:

  • 洗澡—You will be able to shower normally with your drains. 
  • 睡觉—Your drains will be placed so they are unlikely to interfere with your sleep. If you tend to move around a lot in your sleep, you may want to sleep in a recliner to prevent accidentally pulling your drains out at night. 
  • 服装-你应该穿得舒服些, loose-fitting clothing or a special drain management garment (a cotton camisole with built-in pockets designed to hold the bulb 和 keep the tubing secure).


Your drains will be removed in your plastic surgeon’s office. We will cut the stitch that holds the tubing in place 和 gently pull it out of your skin. You will have small scars that fade over time. 

Does It Hurt to Have Drains Removed after 乳房手术?

You will notice a pulling sensation when your drains are removed. If the drain system is resistant, there may be some discomfort. Most people don’t need pain medication. You can shower 24 hours after the drains are removed. 

How Long Does It Take for a Drain Hole to Heal?

The drainage hole is about as wide as a pencil. The hole will close in a few days 和 fully heal in three to four weeks.
