
Getting 髋臼周围截骨术(PAO) and Other Open Hip Surgeries


  • 大发娱乐缓解疼痛,
  • 改善结构畸形;
  • 改善臀部运动和力量;
  • 修复损伤,以及
  • 潜在的防止进一步的关节损伤,由于潜在的结构异常可能导致 全髋关节置换 在未来.

大发娱乐犹他大学的骨科医生将为您大发娱乐提供高质量的护理和支持,使您的髋关节手术不那么伤脑筋,并大发娱乐您重新站起来. 大发娱乐的目标是大发娱乐你在做你喜欢的事情的同时过上无痛的生活, 这是否意味着做运动, 享受户外活动, 或者和你爱的人共度时光.

安排你的手术 & 保险

When you and your doctor have decided it’s time for an open hip surgery like PAO, 您将与护士和手术协调员会面,讨论手术的时间框架和后续预约.

大发娱乐的手术协调员将通知您的保险公司您即将进行的手术,并大发娱乐提供他们需要授权的任何信息. 然而, 你有责任和你的保险公司谈谈任何自付费用.

Hip surgery often requires pre-approval from your insurance company. Our team will submit the paperwork to begin the process. 大多数保险公司至少需要四周的时间来完成审批程序. 有时上诉是必要的. Once approved, we will proceed with the surgery.

While getting pre-approval helps streamline the insurance process, 保险公司会声明“预先批准不保证付款”。. 



Your surgery will take place at 大发娱乐. 你将被 Dr. 克里斯托弗·L. 彼得斯或博士. 卢卡斯一. 安德森.



There are multiple steps you need to do to prepare for your surgery, including:

  • 为手术准备设备,
  • 准备你的家,
  • 优化你的健康,
  • 准备精神,
  • 监测你的药物,还有
  • 做术前实验室工作.


你需要一副可靠的拐杖. You will be using them for about six weeks or more. 另外,准备一把淋浴椅、一个助袜器和/或一个抬腿器可能会有所大发娱乐(但不是必需的).


你需要把你的家布置得舒适一些,把可能潜伏的安全风险降到最低. 在手术前,你可以在家里做一些准备工作:

  • Get firm pillows for your recliner, couch, and bed.
  • 清除地板上的地毯、电线或随意的家具碎片,以避免意外绊倒或跌倒.
  • If needed, arrange for child or pet care while you recover.
  • 在开始的几个星期里多买些食品. (想想冷冻或简单的食物和零食.)


保持健康的生活方式可以大发娱乐减少手术中和手术后并发症的风险. 从现在开始,一直到你的手术

  • 戒掉所有尼古丁. (吸烟者在麻醉时更困难,骨愈合延迟和感染的风险更高.如果您目前正在使用任何类型的烟草或尼古丁产品(口香糖),大发娱乐将不会为您进行PAO检查, 特许经销商, 补丁).
  • 每天补充钙和维生素D, in addition to a good multivitamin with iron to your diet.
  • eat a well-balanced diet, high in protein; consider an anti-inflammatory diet.
  • 每晚至少睡七到八个小时.
  • exercise regularly, such as stationary biking, jogging or brisk walks.


To prepare for surgery, we recommend that you try a practice called mindfulness. 正念是一种心理健康练习,可以影响你对周围发生的事情做出反应的心理能力. 正念可以大发娱乐你在恢复和应对方面变得更有弹性.



重要的是,你要告诉大发娱乐任何过敏或目前正在服用的药物, to avoid any interaction with medications given during and after surgery.

If you are currently taking any narcotic pain medications, please decrease your use of them by at least 50 percent before surgery. When your body has built up a tolerance for narcotics, it makes it more difficult to manage your pain after surgery.

You will also need to steer clear of anti-inflammatory medicines (Ibuprofen, 都属, 布洛芬, 诸如此类) for one week before your surgery to prevent excess bleeding.


手术前,大发娱乐会做实验室检查,确保你身体健康,没有潜在的问题. This will need to be done about 60 days prior to your surgery date. Contact our office when the time gets closer and we can instruct you further.


在你手术的前一天, the hospital will contact you between 2 and 5 pm, 但如果你到下午4点还没收到他们的消息, feel free to reach out to them at 801-585-1449 for your scheduled arrival time.

Typically, you will check in at the hospital about two hours before the surgery. 手术时间各不相同, 所以带点东西来占用你的时间(书), 电话, 平板电脑, 或类似的),以防您的操作延迟. 不管你带什么来医院, 确保你的名字在上面,或者把它留给你的家人,以确保它不会丢失. 把贵重物品留在家里.

记住,手术前一天午夜之后不要吃或喝任何东西. 这包括NO:

  • 咀嚼烟草,
  • 糖果,
  • 口香糖,或
  • 薄荷糖.

手术前一周多喝水和/或不含酒精和咖啡因的饮料. If your body is hydrated, you will feel much better after surgery.

手术前一天晚上或早上用手术皂(葡萄糖酸氯己定皂)淋浴。. 你来大发娱乐办公室的时候大发娱乐可能给过你一瓶作为初次会诊和手术安排. 如果没有,这种肥皂可以在你当地的药店或商店买到.

If you feel ill within 24-48 hours before your surgery, 请立即通知你的外科医生.


当你到达医院时,手术登记柜台在正门. It is the first desk on the right-hand side inside the lobby. 大发娱乐建议您携带以下物品:

你的身份证明, 保险卡片, and any applicable co-pay or deductible payment with you to check in.

  • A list of your medications, including herbal and over-the-counter drugs.
  • Remove your contact lenses or bring your lens case.
  • Make sure you have a responsible adult to drive you home.
  • 穿宽松的衣服.

如有任何问题,请致电您的外科医生办公室或U of U医院801-585-1449.


A nurse will assess your 健康, which includes:

  • 测量你的生命体征,
  • 开始静脉注射
  • 准备手术区域周围的皮肤.

Your surgeon will also visit with you to discuss your surgery, 标记操作地点, 你签手术同意书了吗, 回答你们的任何问题.

髋关节手术通常需要两个小时, although could last longer if your hip is more complicated.


You will get the opportunity to speak to the anesthesiologist about your:

  • 健康,
  • 病史,以及
  • 麻醉方案,包括风险.



You will be staying at U of U Hospital in a single patient room. This allows you to have a guest stay with you while you are with us. 如果你的客人愿意的话,可以在沙发上或躺椅上睡觉. Visiting hours are flexible depending on what you would like.


Hospital staff are a nurse, aide, and your physical therapist. 通常,他们从早上7点到晚上7点轮班工作. They rotate shifts and you may have the same nurse/aide throughout your stay, 但他们很可能会改变.

Your physical therapist will usually visit you twice a day. This generally is the same therapist but can change as well. Nurses are crucial in your recovery and pain control. 确保与他们保持良好的沟通, 告诉他们你的感受, 你的疼痛控制得怎么样, 用药的问题, 排放问题, 诸如此类. 你的助手会扶你去洗手间, 换床单, 并协助你的日常活动.

住院医师、研究员和医师助理也会在手术前后大发娱乐你. 他们都在和Dr. 彼得斯和博士. 关于你的护理.


手术前,大发娱乐会给你一些药物,在疼痛开始前减轻疼痛. 手术后,你的疼痛将通过注射到臀部的局部药物来控制. 你还需要定期服用对乙酰氨基酚和塞来昔布,以使你的疼痛更容易控制.

此外,如果你需要,大发娱乐会给你口服和静脉注射止痛药来大发娱乐你控制疼痛. 一般来说,大发娱乐给每个病人一个标准剂量的止痛药来大发娱乐控制疼痛.

与医院的护理团队讨论你的感觉,以及你的疼痛控制得如何. Sometimes what works for one patient, may not work for another.

Ice packs can help relieve swelling and soothe painful areas. 当你需要的时候,每天晚上经常向你的护理团队要冰袋. You can take them home and use them for pain control when you are home as well. They are one of the easiest, yet most effective methods of pain control.

不要直接在皮肤上敷冰袋. 确保在冰袋和皮肤之间有一些轻薄的布,这样就不会烫伤皮肤. Use ice AT LEAST three to four times a day for 20 minutes each time.


There is a five to 10 percent chance that you may need a transfusion. 大发娱乐回收你在手术中失去的血液,如果有足够的血液再给你. 大发娱乐已经检查过你的血型如果大发娱乐确定你需要额外输血,大发娱乐会在大学的实验室里仔细地进行匹配.



感染, It is rare, but an infection may occur in the wound or around the incision sites. 检查你的切口是否有以下迹象:

  • 增加发红,
  • 温柔,
  • 肿胀或发热,和/或
  • 伤口出血过多.

You may also experience a fever, shaking, chills, or night sweats. If you have concerns about an infection, please call your physician's office.

〇血凝块 Blood clots in the leg are also called a deep vein thrombosis (DVT). Blood clots can move to the lungs and cause a pulmonary embolism (PE). While extremely uncommon, pulmonary embolism can be life threatening. DVT/PE的征象包括:

  • 腿部或手臂的大量肿胀;
  • 小腿或小腿抽筋,
  • 剧烈/突然的胸痛,以及
  • 呼吸困难或呼吸短促.

如果有肿胀或痉挛的迹象(可能是深静脉血栓),打电话给医生办公室. If you are experiencing sudden chest pain or difficulty breathing (possible PE), call 911 and immediately report to an emergency room for further help.

神经麻痹和麻木 任何时候进行手术,皮肤周围的小神经都可能受伤或割伤. It is common to have patchy numbness around the surgical area or below it. Minor numbness on the outside of your thigh is common. 这种情况会随着时间的推移而改善.

There is a sensory nerve called the lateral femoral cutaneous nerve, 就在手术切口的地方. 大发娱乐尽最大努力去识别和保护它, but there is a chance you will have some numbness over the side of your thigh. 随着时间的推移,感觉通常会恢复.

还有更大的问题, 股神经和坐骨神经, which are deeper and can get stretched with a big correction/surgery, but this is very rare (happens to fewer than one percent of patients).