
HoLEP Surgery to Treat 前列腺肿大

犹他大学健康中心, 大发娱乐的泌尿科专家通过一流的专业护理和最新的治疗和疗法,大发娱乐男性实现更好的健康. 大发娱乐为与不育症和性功能障碍有关的各种男性健康状况大发娱乐提供护理.

大发娱乐的创新疗法之一是钬激光前列腺摘除(HoLEP)——一种治疗前列腺癌症状的微创手术选择 前列腺肿大 (benign prostatic hyperplasia or BPH). 犹他大学健康泌尿外科目前是犹他州唯一大发娱乐提供HoLEP手术的医疗诊所.

HoLEP surgery is just one of several surgical and non-surgical treatment options 治疗前列腺增生. 大发娱乐的泌尿科医生会根据你的诊断来大发娱乐你决定这是否是最好的选择, 健康的历史, 和症状.



HoLEP手术的目的是缓解通常与鼻咽癌相关的症状 前列腺肿大,包括:

  • an urgent or frequent need to urinate,
  • difficulty starting to urinate,
  • frequent stopping and starting during urination (weak urine stream),
  • increased urination at night that disrupts sleep,
  • inability to empty the bladder completely, or
  • inability to urinate at all (urinary retention).




  • 无法长时间抬起双腿仰卧(这在手术过程中是必要的),
  • bleeding disorders or blood thinner medications,
  • pain or difficulty urinating that came on suddenly or recently,
  • an urgent need to urinate that has gotten worse over time,
  • history of severe bleeding or blood clots, or
  • 高热(超过101度).

You will also meet with an anesthesiologist, 谁来解释麻醉的过程并回答你的问题. The anesthesiologist will administer general anesthesia (put you to sleep).


The entire procedure usually takes about three to four hours, but it may be shorter or longer depending on the size of your 前列腺癌.


After you are under anesthesia in the operating room, 你的外科医生会通过一个小相机(膀胱镜)通过你的阴茎尖插入你的尿道(连接膀胱和阴茎的小管)来检查你的前列腺. The surgeon will insert a small laser and scope, which are used to cut extra tissues in the 前列腺癌 causing BPH symptoms. The 前列腺癌 tissue will be removed leaving only the 前列腺癌 capsule. 这些组织通常被分成两到三块切除,然后放入膀胱. Your surgeon will use a laser to seal up any blood vessels. 第二种装置叫做碎压器,它会破坏膀胱中的前列腺组织并将其吸出. 可能会有少量残留的组织被安全地排出你的身体系统.

在手术结束之前,你的外科医生会插入导管排出血液. 导尿管是一根小管子,从膀胱穿过尿道,将尿液排出体外.



As with any surgical procedure, HoLEP surgery has some risks such as: 

  • 尿失禁 (无法憋尿)这在手术后的几个月里很常见, but it's rarely permanent (about one percent of cases)
  • 术后出血;
  • the need for transfusion or another operation due to bleeding,
  • 尿路感染(UTI)
  • 膀胱受损,
  • 输尿管口(肾脏排入膀胱的小管)损伤;
  • prolonged need for a catheter after surgery, or
  • scar tissue in the area of the surgery.

这些风险非常低, 但你的泌尿科医生会在手术前与你讨论并回答你的问题.

What to Expect After HoLEP Surgery

Most people can leave the day of surgery after a few hours of monitoring. If you are at higher risk for complications, 您可能需要住院一晚或更长时间,以便大发娱乐的医生和护士监测您是否出现并发症. 

你的医生会检查导尿管(一根从膀胱穿过尿道的小管子,将尿液排入体外的袋子),以确保一切正常. You will go home with the catheter in place. You will not need to urinate into the toilet while the catheter is in place. The catheter can usually be removed after just one or two days, but some people may need to keep it in longer.

You will need to arrange to have someone drive you home from the hospital. 你的医生会给你开一些止痛药或非处方止痛药来治疗你可能遇到的任何疼痛.

For the first few nights after you leave the hospital, you will need to watch for the following issues:

  • A catheter that is not draining — This could be a sign of a blood clot in the bladder.
  • 尿中带血 Some bleeding after HoLEP surgery is normal, but the volume of blood should generally go down over time. 如果有足够的血液在你的导管中造成血栓,马上打电话给你的医生.
  • 〇感染征兆 Monitor yourself for signs of infection such as fever or chills.


出院后的一到两天内,你可能会有一个后续预约. 在此任命期间, a nurse or medical assistant will check the catheter and remove it, or provide a timeline for when it can be removed. 

For a smoother recovery, make sure you: 

  • 多喝水.
  • 休息一到两周.
  • avoid heavy lifting or strenuous physical activity for two to three weeks, or longer if instructed by your doctor.

Once you are cleared to increase your activity, 慢慢地开始,逐渐进行更剧烈的运动或日常活动.

You may be able to return to work within one or two weeks, 特别是如果你在家工作或在不需要大量体力消耗的“办公室工作”. If your work involves strenuous physical activity, you may need to wait three to four weeks before returning to work. 尿失禁 在手术后的头几个月是否常见,对一些患者来说,是否会使其难以恢复正常活动.


HoLEP surgery has a low rate of complications. Some people require re-treatment (another follow-up surgery) after HoLEP, but the re-treatment rate is lower for HoLEP than it is for other common 良性前列腺增生手术. 长期 尿失禁 (the inability to hold in urine or urine leakage) is also possible, but your chances are extremely low.


There are some potential side effects following a HoLEP surgery procedure: 

  • 逆行性射精 性高潮(高潮)时精液进入膀胱而不是通过阴茎的一种情况. This is sometimes called a dry orgasm.
  • Anejaculation A condition where no semen comes out during sexual climax.
  • 生育问题 HoLEP surgery is generally not harmful to your reproductive organs, but will often cause retrograde ejaculation. You can discuss any specific concerns you have with your urologist.
  • 尿失禁 大多数人在HoLEP手术后会经历几周或几个月的短期尿失禁, but this usually does not last.
  • Temporary burning or bleeding during urination – 你可能会看到你的尿液中有血,并在手术后的几周或几个月内感到烧灼感. This is normal and is an indication that your body is still healing.


HoLEP手术的总自付费用取决于你的保险范围. Most insurance policies cover it as a routine part of in-network care. 如果您没有保险,大发娱乐的财务顾问可以大发娱乐您了解费用. If you have insurance but U of U Health is out of your network, 大发娱乐的财务顾问,大发娱乐可能会请求授权,因为目前犹他州唯一大发娱乐提供此程序的地方.

These past three months have been an incredible learning process for me. My doctor in Mexico [told] me about the HoLEP procedure…I want to thank [Dr. 谢谢你把我当作新病人……谢谢你为学习这项技术所积累的知识和技能. You are rather unique in your field.
基因纽曼 手术患者

Schedule an Appointment to See a Urologist

要预约犹他健康大学的泌尿科医生,请致电 801-213-2700. 您不需要从您的初级保健大发娱乐提供者(PCP)或其他护理大发娱乐提供者安排预约与大发娱乐的泌尿科医生. 然而,一些保险计划确实需要推荐,以便将HoLEP纳入保险范围. Talk to your insurance carrier about your specific plan requirements.


Stephen J. 萨默斯, MD, talks about BPH treatments with Studio 5.

Stephen J. 萨默斯, MD, talks with Surae Chinn about benign prostatic hyperplasia (BPH), 或者前列腺肥大, 在Real Sports Live上.
